Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I have been calling Matt in the morning to get him out of bed. He wants to get on a more normal schedule. I have to pretty much yell at him till I hear him turn on the shower, and even then there is a 60% chance he will go back to bed. 
My mom used to bang on the piano at home to get me up.... I need some sort of remote device that gets mat out of bed? any ideas. I will look for comments and some input. 
Aunt Silvi is still here and making smoothies like a mad person, that is if a mad person made smoothies.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So the other day we take the boys to the mall to play at the play place. Zeke makes a couple friends, one is a boy, one a girl. He plays well and burns off the required amount of energy. We get in the car and he tells us that the girl gave him a kiss... on the lips! I am thinking that I am going to have to watch a little closer. So then we were at church and we were leaving, he turns around and kisses his friend Clara goodbye! We had to have a little talk about kissing and how it should be a family thing for now. 
Judah on the other leaves everyone else alone and does his own thing, unless his brother is sleeping and the Judah will tackle him. 

Monday, January 28, 2008


OK so I fixed the errors in the poster that were pointed out, thanks Aaron. I am surprised my sister didn't jump on that as well, she usually likes to make fun of my English unfaithfulness. Angie is back from her weekend (all the women in her family reunion), she brought aunt Silvi with her. Aunt Silvi makes really good fruit smoothies. I call her aunt smoothie. She will be staying till tomorrow. 
Over the weekend I watched several season 10 stargates while the boys were in bed as well as the great race (with Zeke). Zeke loved that movie, which makes me smile. I had a hard time figuring out what to feed these kids over the weekend! I am glad that Angie is back for many reasons, one is her cooking! 
I am still looking online at buses, I like to sign up to watch them so that I can see how much they went for. I am talking Angie into slowly "honey you can decorate it" "we could go see the Ann of Green Gables hall of fame in it" (such a thing?). I envision it as our family vacation mega ship. We won't spend money on hotels or food, jsut live in the bus. And if a lot of family comes over to stay at our house, They can stay in the bus (with all the kids). I need it painted so that our neighbors think we are a rock and roll band, and maybe when we stop anywhere we could sign autographs! 

Sunday, January 27, 2008

poster child

Here is my poster for the conference next month in California. My prof made fun of me for taking so long on it, not sure if that is his way of telling me to do other stuff or just relate? Anyway here it is, I have a few more things to do on it and then have it printed. I also have a powercat in it but it is currently turned off. I am thinking of sticking a little powercat somewhere for later generations to find, much like the recipes and gospel message I used to implant in my Cessna aircraft drawings. 

Friday, January 25, 2008

Cant stop thinking about buses!

Forget school buses! those are junior high, I am now into old touring buses. I am thinking of many ways to refurb it! I can't stop thinking about it. 
Check out this bus, I wonder how hard it is to get a title for a bus? Seems this one use to belong to a tehano band! but they left it cause it wouldn't start. Today, when I took a break from my rigorous schedule, I looked at more buses and even bid on some. If I end up winning one I will have to let my wife go cloth shopping alot more. One of these babies might be my graduation present! I need to graduate first of course. So if anyone out there is looking for a present for me, look on ebay under the category of bus!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

One of my life dreams.

Here are some pictures of some busses that are on Ebay, I really want one. and I am planning on purchasing one after we graduate and get a job. The 56' GMC bus is a wonderful piece of moving art for 6500$. I do like the idea though of refurbing my own school bus and going camping with the family (no wonder Angie has trouble sleeping sometimes) the one pictured is listed at 1600$(below reserve). The red one is cool but a little pricey at 12k$, and I defiantly would keep the stars on it! My father in law mentioned that he wanted one to haul cattle with, I like that guy more and more. I probably shouldn't look to much or watching will turn into buying, and where would I park it? Mom can you see any of these marvels in your driveway? Big sisters I could roll to your house and dump my sewage right down your gutter! 
I think my refurbs would include hammocks, deck on top w/grill, awning, bike racks with workbench, a george bush 04 bumper sticker, lots of fog lights, big big horn, mig welder, brush guard bumpers, winch, GPS, marvin the martian bobble head doll on the dash, underneath neon accent lights, biomass diesel converter (so that I could fill up my tank at the McDonalds dumpster), deployable wet banana (for the kids), and the optional cow catcher front end. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

feed the babysitters!

Here are two of the girls that we have over weekly for dinner and who babysit for us, that has really worked out well and is a Godsend. Lisa gave Zeke a Cambodian headband and Holly is holding Zeke.  We are so thankful for these girls. 
I am at Denny's right now reading my Bible and planning out my day, Grammy is in town until Friday so I left early this morning. We all slept all night until Judah got up at 5:40. Which is good for us. I like Denny's, I saying in front of coffee snobs "I love Denny's coffee" and seeing them cringe. There are a lot of snobs in this world, I guess I am a computer/mountain bike/car snob. I only want Macs, high end bikes, and Jeeps or nothing at all. Really everything else I take pride in using the low end and then telling people about it.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cold here, can't wait for spring

We are not enjoying the cold weather, used to before kids we could jsut sleep the dreary days away, now we have to make sure our kids don't destroy our house.
I dropped my class, the prof said I had to use JAVA to program so I said forget it! I will take the other machine learning class next fall that doesn't make you use just JAVA. So now I find myself with more time to work on my degree.
One of our college girls is coming over to babysit this afternoon while we go relax somewhere. Probably Barnes and Noble, I have a gift certificate to spend!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

christmas card tries

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thought this picture was funny. The boys are doing well. Zeke was riding his bike inside today (we are worn down parents) and did a power slide in the front room on the carpet and left a skid mark any 4 year old would be proud of..... take that housing!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

This is a pic of us and our most favorite neighbor, joy. her real name is jyrushya but she has found that is too hard for people to say. She comes over alot just to play with the kids, and is a micro biologist so we get a lot of lectures on washing our hands. She is from India so we like to talk about Indian movies that we have seen. She is heading back to India in Feb to get married and then will come back to finish her doctorate without her husband.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Tacky is as Tacky does

In my father-in-laws stocking I placed a sheet of stickers that said:

We would like Dan and Angie to have this when we pass away

and I also went around their farm placing some more of these stickers on my future inheritance. They are the kind of family that thinks this is funny which says a lot about them as well.

Time to go back to school.

Here is Judah playing with Mathew (neighbor) in the leaves, also is a pic of the girls that Angie cooks for every Thursday. We are having a cookout in the grill. I burned a lot of sticks laying around. You can see that Zeke is enjoying the fire.

Finally the last picture is Zeke chawing down on a carrot. He is eating a little better and Judah is not eating as well. I don't know what to think. 

We are learning alot about blood sugar and god diets. I am trying to make sure we have a big breakfast every morning, cause that is what Ma used to do! 

School starts this week and I a not ready. I have to take a class, Artificial Intelligence, that subject appeals to me cause if I can't have intelligence naturally might as well go for the artificial kind.  

Friday, January 11, 2008

Because I can.

Here is a picture of Angie hiding her face as we walk back to the car that I parked on the sidewalk. I do this not only to embarrass my beautiful wife but because I drive a Jeep, I can.I also like to park on the big piles of snow in the Wal Mart parking lot after they scoop it all to one place, it is kind of like a dog peeing and marking his territory.
 Also posted is a placard on my machine, I thought everyone would like to see. 

day two of back in action

Just a few pics here as a token blog entry. Judah didn't take a nap yesterday and is still asleep this morning (6:52) I am up by myself enjoying the quiet. I have a lot to do at work today so I got to get going. 
I got to play the piano at the Union yesterday morning (when only the cleaning crew was there) it was nice to play again. Maybe someday I will have a grand P in our home and the boys can drive their tonka trucks into it.... Maybe it should go in the master bedroom.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

been a while

sorry, not doing real well with this blog thing.
found a cool gadget for my static personality problem here
I also found a functional scarf that I might give out next christmas here. or the sumo table.
And a gadget for Angie here!

We are headed back to Kansas this weekend for yet another Christmas, more stuff for the boys to bring home and me to play with.

the Machine (SWEET) is mostly done and now I am trying to learn object oriented C to program my learning program. A long slow process.