Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Just another day at the .... where am I?

Here is a ransom note I got placed on my desk by the young punks. If you will notice the picture of my hat and it has a these days and they probably did this on a school night too. Hello all, I am still trying to get back into blogging everyday but it is hard. Angie and the boys are in Kansas again resting so I spent a 14 hour day yesterday in the shop. The machine is looking better and better. I have a lot of NC milling to do but no one to show me how to do it.
Angie is feeling better thanks to all who prayed and contacted us.
I sang the Flippo song to the young punks here at the office a couple of weeks ago. I think they liked it cause they sing it alot.. that or they are just making fun of me, I understand about 20% of their language and idioms. I am forming a new practical joke in my head for them which involves smoke. I will let you know how that goes.

"He who thinks he is special should no go by the name ED"


Friday, August 25, 2006

ahhh choooo

8-24-06 11:07 a.m.: I used punk #2's camera to photo my navel, feet, and inner ear.
result: not much reaction
This week: Somehow I think the punks hooked a motor to my wheel or did something to my bike odometer cause I have 200 more miles than I did showing.
result: man I have ridden alot!
Angie is doing better and better, her mom is still here spoiling us. I really am understanding more and more why the Chinese have their mothers come and take care of their kids!
I found out that I got a 500$ scholarship today! whoo hoooo, not much but I won't have to go to give plasma for a while! (just kidding mother) It encourages me to try for more scholarships.
below are some Zeke quotes that we have been writing down.
Zeke "There is a Wal Mart...I love Wal Mart. It's cool....not cool like air just cool like robots"
        "Mommy I'm sleeping with my eyes open"
        "I need some scissors to cut apart the book shelf"
        "Another french fry please (in the car)...Just pass back the whole thing!"
        "He gave me really chewy gummy bears....Uncle Jeff said not to tell mommy"
I started physically working on the testing bed today, cut some aluminum and drilled some holes. It will take a while I think. Monday I will go and they will show me the CNC machine so that I can start on that. that should be a good time. Remember captain Kangaroo and that cartoon that he had on there named Simon. the theme song went "Hello my name is Simon and the things I draw come true..." well monday it will be "Hello my name is Dan and the things I draw get milled!"
keep it between the ditches

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Getting more sleep

Sorry again all you who are faithful in reading my web thoughts, it has been a hard time lately around here. Angie has not slept well and neither have I. We are coming out of it though, keep us in your thoughts.
I thought as a new thing that I should keep track of the practical jokes that are being done around  here, some of the old ones I won't be able to remember the date and time but hopefully I will get better at it.
about a month ago : I loosened the seat and disengauged the front brake on Punk #1's (Matt Roman's) bicycle.
result: Matt said that he sat on his seat and it fell in several short stops and tried to brake but couldn't, success!
about a month ago : I unhooked monitor power and computer connection on Punk#1's computer
ressult: took him awhile to figure it out, success!
3 weeks ago: Punk #2 (brandon) unhooked both of my brakes on my bicycle
result: I was speeding down the hall toward the coke machine when I realized what they did, I had to put foot down and stop like fred flintstone. Would have been more successful if I ran into the coke machine, although it did work pretty good
3 weeks ago: Punk #1 put grease under my bicycle handlebars
result: greasy hands
3 weeks ago: I rearranged Punk #1's computer keys to spell out "DORK" where "QWER" should be.
result: apparently Punk #1 can't type without looking at keys cause he found out immediately, success (he kept his keyboard that way)
2 weeks ago: Punk #2 cut a slice in my gallon water jug about an inch long.
result: water all over my desk, and then on my pants when I forgot later that there was a cut in it. I ended up glue guning it back. Success.
last week: I double sticky taped punk #2's mouse to his desk and put chap stick on his water bottle top.
result: didn't drink out of it, smelled menthol and saw me smiling. Wasn't there when tried mouse.
this week: my cordless mouse had a piece of tape on the battery.
result: couldn't make my computer work for about 5 minutes.
last week: was at punk house and put peanut butter on punk #2's new water jug
result: unknown
I will keep you up to date on what else happens

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

nothing new

not much news today, Just came in to work and trying to motivate myself. I am going to run an experiment today to see if there is any hope of a paper to be made out of it. My prof is about to can the whole project. To me that is bittersweet, I really rather not do it but it would be a good publication to do.
My poison ivy is getting worse, I will have to go to the doctor today to get a shot in the rear. Whatever it takes I don't do well with itching.
I have entered the slick 50 family get away contest and the Gumout ATV sweepstakes, I have high hopes.

Monday, August 14, 2006

I have the Ivy

Yep I got itchy ivy on my legs from riding last saturday, I am supposed to go tomorrow with Roman at 8:00 which is pretty early for him. Angie and the boys have gone home to Kansas to rest for the week in Grammy's care, her sisters will also be staying so its a real party, which I will miss until Friday. I will hopefully be getting a lot of work done as well as some riding in! I went over to Roman's and Brandons house to grill burgers tonight and watched "strange brew". Strange Brew is a movie from the 80's that I grew up on, meaning that I watched it over and over (sometimes right after each other) until mom switched it off and kicked shannon and I outside to do something constructive. Brandon had never seen it and left half way through saying that it was terrible, Roman and I watched the whole thing and yeah its pretty terrible but ohh man soooo funny.
Bad things are happening with thie Europa thing, Doc found a paper that was already written that I should have found that pretty much already did what I was going to do. so That is out I am trying to fix it by coming up with something new to experiment with but no dice, looks like I will not be going to California next month! I really have a lot to learn about research, but I guess that is what I am here for, that and making fun of these young punks.
The punks cut a hole in my water jug (1 gallon milk jug that I use for water) so when I would take a drink water spills out. I have to hand it to them they are pretty clever, I put peanut butter under roman's handlegrips on his bike but I need to come up with something grand. I am thinking about some sort of spilling thing from the ceiling.
Angie is feeling better (she had trouble with sleeping for a while), I am glad cause now I can get some sleep as well.

Dan "Zeke who drives faster mommy or daddy?"
Zeke "Aunt Kathy"

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

got the cap

Just got back from the dentist again, I rode my bike and they let me park in the lobby, nice folks. For a 1000$ I should get a ride to the office!
Everyone in my house sleeping is a big issue these days. Zeke sleeps well until about 6:30 or so, Angie is a crap shoot and might be up around 2:30 worried that she can't sleep and Judah is up whenever he wants. I try to put everone back to sleep. This morning I put Zeke back to sleep at 6:30 after some milk and a new pull up, we slept till after 8:00! that was nice. I feel encouraged and not so down on life after a little more sleep.
The europa probe experiment is not going well, I am scrambling at the last minute trying to get something to work. In my experience of tinkering, piddling, and inventing I have realized that these last minute frantic jobs never produce working ideas. I have to meet with the boss tomorrow and talk about the progress...The only way this thing will get done is if God does it, which I wish he would have done it sooner, but that is probably my fault. So if it gets done or not the world will go on, but I may or may not get to go to CA in Sept to the conference.
We are planning on coming home in a week or so (19th 20th) to see family.
The Jeep's oil pressure gauge kept going to zero, which is bad. I took it in to Firestone (expensive) and found out that it was the oil sender and not the engine, which is good. but it cost me 180$, which is bad but better than 500$ for engine work, which is good. We are still wanting a van but have not looked much. Taking both kids and going to look at van's is not that fun of an idea. Nor do I really enjoy buying and selling cars. I don't trust too many people in the auto market and I am paranoid. Someday it would be nice to go and buy a new car so that I won't have to worry about what may be wrong with it. there are a lot of vans on ebay, but they are all 1000 miles away and talk about trust! all I see is a picture. We looked at the old VW vans that are really cool, but I am not sure the gas mileage would be any better.
Well better go.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Well it has been awhile, sorry about my lacking blogger skills. Zeke has had the big "D" and I don't mean Dallas. We have been up to our ears in poopy around here. I think I got some in my nose cause I smell it everywhere! Zeke has also not been a good napper for Mommy, which means that everyone is in a bad mood when Daddy comes home. We have a nice family tradition of showing a movie on the wall in our house using a projector I borrow from the lab. We couldn't do the "movie on the wall" night cause Zeke had to go to bed early. We tried our best to drill it in to him that his earlier actions with napping caused a rift in the family tradition. We were going to try to head home this weekend to see the family and take Zeke to the demolition derby in barber county. but the big D forced us not to. Maybe in a few weeks when Angie's family has a reunion. We are still looking and praying for a van...what have we turned into? I am actually thinking of a smaller 4 door car if we cannot find a van.
I am going riding tomorrow with Roman and Andy at 7:00 a.m. Funny these guys don't usually go to bed until 7:00. maybe I will catch them tired and I can keep up.
The Europa porbe experiment is not going well. I amhoping for next week, that I can redo the experiment with some new ideas and get something that I can put in a paper. I have to hand in a rough draft by thursday. It was not all bad today, most of my materials came for my testing machine that I am making. really cool stuff I must say. OU orders all their aluminum from the yard store in Wichita where I hung out so many years.
Well I had better get to bed.

Zeke "why you tell me no Mommy....... telling little boys no hurts their feelings!"