Here are the future of our society. Brandon (left) and Adam (other) are riding little 50cc dirtbikes. For about 4 days they rode these things most of the night. I got a chance to ride the red one and...wow that was fun. They have 4 gears and a lot of power. My ride was cut short when I rode past the dean (mentioned earlier).
I will be working in the George STreet lab today hopefully putting my machine together. I may do some tapping there as well. below is a picture of the lab with my machine partially assembled. There is a bunch of furniture stacked, this is brandon mill's, he has a lot of stuff for a single young punk.
Brent Coppock: (at church) "so Zeke how is that new brother of yours?"
Zeke "Well he is kind of cranky"
Brent laughs
Zeke "its not funny"
Zeke on the phone with Grammy yesterday "is this the wal mart lady?"
Riding one legged

Here is Brandon's (punk #2) bike after his crank fell off. While we were riding today out at the lake this happened. So Brandon had to ride one legged and by kicking his feet the rest of the way home. I must say that I haven't had such a good time riding in a long time. We played a game where Brandon would go first and kick and coast and not let anybody by him, my favorite manuever was when he would throw branches back at us. Good time. I don't think that Brandon will go with us anymore though, He won't buy a new bike and he probably won't ride one legged anymore. it was a beautiful day to ride, the leaves are turning and it was a little cool. While riding behind Brandon (before the crank affair) we were goind pretty slow so I tried going as long as I could without brakes, I have to work on that some more, I crashed alot.

Here is my new office set up, I brought the steel girder frame from Kansas. Everyone's reaction is pretty similar somthing like "oh ____" if you will notice I have Jon Luke's head to the right and my old Cessna name badge on the top.
Well tomorrow I will see my fmaily! I miss them, I have been acting like a young single grad student and my body can't take it. We will party with the Flippo's this weekend and then back to Homa till Thanksgiving.

Here is one of my favorite pictures. I like Judah's expression, he has that Flippo Elvis lip going. Probably he is filling his pants! Things are good here, I have a few pictures to share. Angie and the boys are in Kansas this week and I am working 15 hour days trying to get as much as I can done. Right now I am grading these lab reports that take about an hour apiece. So far they are not doing so well, I have graded 2 so far and neither has gotten above 60/100. My red pen is starting to run out! There are times when I still feel bad about grading people's writing when I can't write on my own, but I get over it when I think of all the lab reports I had to do. That is life, getting graded by people that can't do it themselves, so in a way I am equipping them for life.

While I was at the Rocco's last weekend I got put to work farming. It is the price I pay for such a lovely wife. This is me riding the drill behind the tractor, holding on, and making sure the seed went through the drill. It is amazing that through all of this I had time and the dexterity to capture it in pictures. if you look in the cab you will see Mr Rocco and Zeke, he had a blast farming. He liked to wave at me while I was holding on. I also got to drive the skidster for about an hour picking up and hauling concrete slabs, I must say that that machine is from God sent here to help out humanity. I don't mean to be sacreligious, but man! what a divine machine. How did mankind get along without? I guess the pilgrims just left those slabs of concrete where they lie! Maybe one day I will make one of my own....with a radio, DVD player, and one of those back rubbing seats.

The last picture shows a joke that was played on me by punk #2. He taped cardboard to my frame so that it made a motorcycle sound when I went. I still have it on there, although it is wearing out (he should have used plastic). I think we will go riding tomorrow if it doesn't rain. My buddy from church has really gotten into it and loves to ride, his name is smokey and he used to be a linebacker for OU. I like to sing the K-State fight song as we bike, I don't know just seems fun!

Here is Zeke showing Jude how to use the chain cage. What a good big brother! This morning I plan on milling some but I had probably think about working through some math problems which will take up all morning. Man that is a tough class!
I just sold a book I bought at a garage sale on Amazon! I have been selling text books that I dug out of the trash can last year here at school on amazon. Yes it pays to go through the trash, especially here! They cleaned out an upper room next to my office and I dug through the bins for a couple days. I got a printer and gave it to my mother in law. I have to be careful though I am about to push Brandon out of the office with all my junk. He is really gracious but soon he will not have room to sit!
This weekend we are headed home, The plan is that we will be in Mcpherson this weekend and then Angie and the boys will stay all week then I will be back the following weekend to see the Flippo side. While they are gone I will be steam cleaning the carpet and culling the toy population. Zeke's BD and christmas are coming and we need to make room.
Well keep her between the ditches.

Here's us at Sonic enjoying some well deserved ice cream. Judah is sitting there thinking he will get some but he was wrong. This Sonic is about 3/4 of a mile from our house so it's quite a walk. We are ready for ice cream by the time we get there.
I think we are all over the stomach flu now, Angie and I got it the worst. I had much rather that happen than the boys but it was hard to see Zeke with so much energy when I couldn't get around. My head hurt so bad (I think from the lack of caffeine). I
had a big test on Friday that luckily was before I was sick (Friday night) that I don't think I did that well on, no one finished early after 2 hours they kicked us out. Tests like that make me feel really dumb, like I should not be in Grad school. those are the times when I like to pat myself on the back and say "it's ok to fake it Dan, you have gotten this far faking it just try to look smart". I have some stuff to finish up this morning and then hopefully I will get to mill a lot this week and work on the machine. The picture to the right is some pieces of the machine. The extruded pieces are purchased and are like tinker toys for men. If I could afford it I would do the kids room in this stuff! The other pieces I milled myself with the help of a 300,000 milling machine and 7,000 worth of software. Two linear shafts will insert into these and be the floating part of my machine in the Z axis. Hello my name is Simon and the things I draw come true! (a little captain kangaroo ref for the elders out there).
Zeke supposedly trying to go to sleep "...buy her a mocking bird and if that mocking bird don't sing I'll buy you some cheese...."
Dan "The good thing about staying together in marriage is that you have someone to share your padded cell with after the kids are gone"

I caught Zeke kissing girls in the park! I will have to start the talk with him soon. The talk where I say "girls have cooties stay away from them until further notice". The girl is Katy, she plays in the band and is one of the girls that Angie cooks for on Thursday nights. There are about 5-6 girls that Angie does that for.
things are good here, we slept all night again last night without drugs or even benadril. We even got to bed before 10:00! Good night.
I have a test on Friday in my Math class. we have a temp teacher for a month, he is a great teacher but pretty sarcastic so nobody wants to ask questions or speak up. He has a long indian name so we call him Dr P. I like his style of teaching (minus the sarcasm). Well better get.
Dr P: "Why does mr Flippo look unhappy" (in class)
Mr Flippo "just hungry"
Dr P: "hmmm... me too"

Here is the new Flippo wearing the Famous "I'm a Flippo Monster" hat. He is also just laying around not getting a job! Kids are good Zeke is not napping real well, so we put him to bed early and enjoy a quiet evening. I don't get to see him as much that way though, kind of a bummer. For that last 4 nights we have all slept the whole night through (including the little monster). It has been wonderful, at about 7:00-7:30 I look in at Judah and he is jsut wide awake sucking on his fingers. I think him discovering his fingers has been one reason he has slept so well lately. He doesn't need us as much now I guess.
Went riding at Thunderbird yesterday with Matt Roman (punk #1) it was a good time, turn out that they had a race there this morning that was finishing up when we got there. I was kind of hopeing that we could bust through the finish line and get some cheers like I did at the running race in Denver a few years back. No dice, they were pretty much done. Great trail, they added a new technical section that rocks. Someone does a lot of work out there building bridges and planks and digging trails. Good time.
Lanna (our Jordanian neighbor, she is 4) "someday I will have twins and all three of them will not listen to me"