Riding one legged

Here is Brandon's (punk #2) bike after his crank fell off. While we were riding today out at the lake this happened. So Brandon had to ride one legged and by kicking his feet the rest of the way home. I must say that I haven't had such a good time riding in a long time. We played a game where Brandon would go first and kick and coast and not let anybody by him, my favorite manuever was when he would throw branches back at us. Good time. I don't think that Brandon will go with us anymore though, He won't buy a new bike and he probably won't ride one legged anymore. it was a beautiful day to ride, the leaves are turning and it was a little cool. While riding behind Brandon (before the crank affair) we were goind pretty slow so I tried going as long as I could without brakes, I have to work on that some more, I crashed alot.

Here is my new office set up, I brought the steel girder frame from Kansas. Everyone's reaction is pretty similar somthing like "oh ____" if you will notice I have Jon Luke's head to the right and my old Cessna name badge on the top.
Well tomorrow I will see my fmaily! I miss them, I have been acting like a young single grad student and my body can't take it. We will party with the Flippo's this weekend and then back to Homa till Thanksgiving.
that bike is still good. brandon needs to weld the freewheel together, and make it fixed.
he can still pedal. thats how one-legged people do it.
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