Here is one of my favorite pictures. I like Judah's expression, he has that Flippo Elvis lip going. Probably he is filling his pants! Things are good here, I have a few pictures to share. Angie and the boys are in Kansas this week and I am working 15 hour days trying to get as much as I can done. Right now I am grading these lab reports that take about an hour apiece. So far they are not doing so well, I have graded 2 so far and neither has gotten above 60/100. My red pen is starting to run out! There are times when I still feel bad about grading people's writing when I can't write on my own, but I get over it when I think of all the lab reports I had to do. That is life, getting graded by people that can't do it themselves, so in a way I am equipping them for life.

While I was at the Rocco's last weekend I got put to work farming. It is the price I pay for such a lovely wife. This is me riding the drill behind the tractor, holding on, and making sure the seed went through the drill. It is amazing that through all of this I had time and the dexterity to capture it in pictures. if you look in the cab you will see Mr Rocco and Zeke, he had a blast farming. He liked to wave at me while I was holding on. I also got to drive the skidster for about an hour picking up and hauling concrete slabs, I must say that that machine is from God sent here to help out humanity. I don't mean to be sacreligious, but man! what a divine machine. How did mankind get along without? I guess the pilgrims just left those slabs of concrete where they lie! Maybe one day I will make one of my own....with a radio, DVD player, and one of those back rubbing seats.

The last picture shows a joke that was played on me by punk #2. He taped cardboard to my frame so that it made a motorcycle sound when I went. I still have it on there, although it is wearing out (he should have used plastic). I think we will go riding tomorrow if it doesn't rain. My buddy from church has really gotten into it and loves to ride, his name is smokey and he used to be a linebacker for OU. I like to sing the K-State fight song as we bike, I don't know just seems fun!
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