Here's us at Sonic enjoying some well deserved ice cream. Judah is sitting there thinking he will get some but he was wrong. This Sonic is about 3/4 of a mile from our house so it's quite a walk. We are ready for ice cream by the time we get there.
I think we are all over the stomach flu now, Angie and I got it the worst. I had much rather that happen than the boys but it was hard to see Zeke with so much energy when I couldn't get around. My head hurt so bad (I think from the lack of caffeine). I had a big test on Friday that luckily was before I was sick (Friday night) that I don't think I did that well on, no one finished early after 2 hours they kicked us out. Tests like that make me feel really dumb, like I should not be in Grad school. those are the times when I like to pat myself on the back and say "it's ok to fake it Dan, you have gotten this far faking it just try to look smart". I have some stuff to finish up this morning and then hopefully I will get to mill a lot this week and work on the machine. The picture to the right is some pieces of the machine. The extruded pieces are purchased and are like tinker toys for men. If I could afford it I would do the kids room in this stuff! The other pieces I milled myself with the help of a 300,000 milling machine and 7,000 worth of software. Two linear shafts will insert into these and be the floating part of my machine in the Z axis. Hello my name is Simon and the things I draw come true! (a little captain kangaroo ref for the elders out there).
Zeke supposedly trying to go to sleep "...buy her a mocking bird and if that mocking bird don't sing I'll buy you some cheese...."
Dan "The good thing about staying together in marriage is that you have someone to share your padded cell with after the kids are gone"
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