new church
Well we heard news last Sunday that our church is going to have a mission church here in Norman led by the associate pastor. We have been praying for this so we are excited. Supposedly it will be a lot like our church back home and based on small groups. Thanks God. Also we are thinking about a minivan, I know it is a sad sad day when a Jeep owner thinks about a minivan, well that day is today. I love our car it is cool fast and safe (I think more than a van would be) but it eats up a powerful chunk of our budget in gas. So I am thinking about the gas issue, Angie likes the big doors that a van has to offer. We both feel that every van is as ugly as George Washingtons teeth so looking for a cool one that looks good is not really important. We are also talking about bringing Angie's little car up from Kansas to drive while we sell the Jeep (little car gets 35 mpg!). It would be cramped but so is our apartment and we might as well live consistantly!
Baby Judah is doing well, becoming more vocal everyday. Zeke is really good with him and can calm him down sometimes while Jude is in his bed. We are on the road to normal life and getting back from pregnancy life.
Zeke "isn't that funny how we can get milk from our parts" (talking about breast feeding)
tired but happy. It is hot here 108 yesterday.
Zeke "Daddy your feet smell Nasty!"
Tooth cap
Went today for my first appointment to get my cap. I am still numb. One thing that they said was if the temporary cap comes off then glue it on with elmers school glue. I found this odd and somewhat disconcerting in that I could have saved all the money and glues a cap on myself with school glue! I kind of hope that it falls out so that I can try the Elmers school glue method (ESGM), We have all tasted it but it has been a long time for me. What if I find that I like its rich bouquet? Will I be going on a Atkins-Elmers diet, does elmers have less carbohydrates?
Today I must work on a paper for a conference, I am not looking forward to it but having a publication will be good for my resume. I wish I were better at it, but that takes practice.... vicious cycle!
6.5 hours of sleep
Last night was a good night, Jude was fed at 11:00 and slept till 5:30 at that time he was pretty hungry and Angie was hurting as well. Good boy! Zeke will be coming home tonight, we both miss him alot and look forward to seeing him. It has been alot easier without him here but not as fullfilling.
I jumped on my bike to head home the other night but before I left I peddled to the bathroom (through the hall in my building). They moved the coke machine to the end of this hall and I thought to myself I should go as fast as I can and then skid around, fortunetly I always check my brakes subconsciencely and sure enough the young punks had been messing with my bike and unattached both brakes. By the time I realized this I was going pretty fast and getting pretty close having a coke and crash. I had to put my feet down and use the fred flintstone manuever. I adverted disaster but young punk Brandon got a big kick out of his handiwork. I will have to think of something really good. like a remote control brake cable severer that triggers at a certain speed! These are young punks they will heal quickly.
8 lbs 12 ounces
Well we went in for our 2nd baby wellness examination and Judah's weight was up 5 ounces in 2 days which was good. We are waiting to see how the billrhubin test went. Last time he was at 13, for Zeke we had to admit him into the hospital when his was 19. We are doing pretty good with things like this, it seems much more like a hassle than a crisis. Last night was not as bad, I still only got about 4-5 hours of sleep but that is better than nothing. I sleep when Angie is feeding him and she sleeps when he won't sleep between meals. Zeke is still in Kansas and we miss him dearly but we have no idea how to do this with 2 kids, but we will learn. Our church continues to serve us, they brought over a roast last night. Right now our fridge is full of leftovers. We have a good community.
Gotta go
Jude day 4

it was a long night last night, Jude is still on womb time which means asleep when mommy is walking around and awake when she lies down. He also wanted to eat alot last night, which is good but hard on Angie. I am at work now, I am spacing my 2 weeks of vacation out so that I can be off when Zeke is here (he is in Kansas right now) and there is noone helping us. Angie is doing remarkably well, no post pardom signs yet. She is enjoying Jude and laying around with him as much as possible. To the left is Zeke watching a video or cruising the net I don't know which. We had to ban him from touching the computer cause we found a key half way off once. So his computer skills will have to wait till he gets his own computer. I am now working on a paper due in August for a conference on a steerable probe that will melt through the moon europa. I am starting to get crude jokes made about my probes....just like junior high around here! We are getting fed by our church class and our neighbors, just want to say thanks.
Zeke "I will color green and red and mix them like uncle Justin mixed gas and oil"
Hey Jude! Big chunk baby here.

Ok so I am finally getting to the blog after being at the hospital being laughed at by all the nurses for my camo pj's and baby blanket on my shoulders cause of the subfreezing temps. To the left is the latest recruit to the Flippo family. Judah Daniel Flippo. He was born on Friday the 7th at 3:01 pm, weighing in at 9 lbs and 4 ounces and 18.5 inches long. He really has done nothing more than sleep and eat so we know he is ours, we are much more laid back with this one and we enjoyed the hospital, I told Angie it was like vacation with cable tv and everything!
at the bottom here is Zeke showing his good side and kissing his little brother after a little coaching from grammy.
He is handling it very well which he is mostly is excited to have so many people visit us. Notice the knitted "tuke" that Jude is sporting, too bad we didn't have one for Zeke.
On the right is Jude's first onesie, notice the Jeep motif. on the back it says upside down "If you can read this roll me over!" Angie made it but I thought up the back, just add children's clothing designer to my resume. Well that is all the pics I will put up tonight, we are tired. Zeke and grammy are heading out tomorrow for Kansas for a few days so that Angie could rest more. I have two weeks with which to take off but I may take them off a day at a time to stretch them out. I must tell a hospital story. We got there, Angie was crying with labor pains and I say "we are here to check in" I said that because all the nurses were looking at me with a confused look. To reply to my statement one of the nurses says "for what". at this moment my confidence, as I was holding a backpack and 3 pillows, in the compentency of these professionals was at its lowest. "TO HAVE A BABY" I stated rather confused if we were in the wrong section of the hospital. "OK fill this out" they say slowly as the rest of the nurses stare at us. Later on they confessed that they were a little confused as well since most of their moms come in for inductions and are not in labor. It would seem to me that they could practice this a little since they are a birthing facility. It is also funny how the attitudes of the nurses change once they find out that you really are in labor and not just faking. Night and day, Angie was dilated to a 7 when we got there and when the nurse figured that out she got on the phone and told them to give us a room and for them to run. By the time Angie was checked in her room she was a 9. So we were only there for 2 hours before the kid got there. Also the couch that I had to sleep on could have been more comfortable, also a tutorial on what all the contraptions in the bathroom do would have been helpful.
at a 4
Alright Angie went to the Doc yesterday and she is dilated to 4 which is wonderful but odd seeing how she doesn't have any major contractions. I am at work waiting any phone calls from her to huff my self back home on the bike to take her to the hospital. I worry that her water will break and the kid will come at home, I guess that will save money but I had rather do it the way God intended, at the hospital.
I bid on a wireless card on ebay, this would allow me to parooze the internet on my palm (that I fixed by taking it apart and putting it back together again, little trick I learned from doc bohrer) as if I needed more time on the internet. I figure it would be good at places I am not doing anything but waiting (if they have a hotspot).We will see.
The Chinese are home
Ou upstairs neighbors have been away for a month to Taiwan. They are back and by the sounds of the little footsteps late at night and early in the morning they are not back on normal sleep schedule. They woke Zeke up this morning at 5:00 and then the other night they were up past midnight. I am not sure what they do up there? sounds like the run back and forth bouncing and then my favorite (sarcasm) is when they push the chair along the tile screeeeeeech. I love it here. our new neighbors to the north are two young girls that have parties till late at night. The left there lighter fluid and matches laying out yesterday, I should let zeke light their door on fire that would teach them!
It is Thursday so Dr Wang is coming by for his weekly Flippo English lesson. Turns out he is staying for a few years and his wife is in the middle of getting a visa to come here. They are going to be staying at Kraettli (where we live) so I hope they are close. Maybe somehow we can kick out our girl neighbors and let in more Chinese!
Well keep your stick on the ice and off the melted spots.
happy 4th
We had some people over last night for hot dogs and then to watch the fireworks at the park we live next to. Turns out that we live in the happening part of town. The 4th party at the park and also the medievil festival (wacko) is there along with a lot of other things that I can't remember. Zeke loved the fireworks, he added commentary on every barrage. There is an art to hosting parties, to make sure that everyone is drawn into the conversation and comfortable. We had three couples over last night and none of them knew anyone other than us. So there was a lot of work relationally. We are all exhausted, Zeke didn't get to bed till late and then got up early so he is really crabby. Angie is PREGNANT so she is tired all the time. I am at work trying to figure out what to write on my blog.
I am adding remote lock doors to our Jeep. I bought a kit and soldered it together, now I just have to figure out how to wire it to the Jeep. One of those things to help out mommy with 2 kids.
monday monday
Here I am at work sitting in my chair. the young punks here played a joke on me and took my chair apart and hid the pieces. I had this coming because I sabotaged one of their bikes by loosening the seat and front brakes. Just kind of a work place moral boost I say. I bet Cessna, albeit maybe more productive, is much lower in moral since I am gone. I bring moral! I need to think of something really good since these guys are nocturnal I have a lot of time to do something.
Zeke and I went to the Museum on Sat while mommy rested (she is pregnant you know). We like the science museum. They have this big cage of steel balls that role around and continually move going through wire tubes. Zeke can stare at that for a long time, especially for a 2 year old. They have a place where we sit and watch it. neat place, Angie doesn't like it so much but she is pregnant.
Mommy "you have a little pp on your hands?"
Zeke "yeah"
Mommy "you can wash your hands and not wipe them on me"
Zeke "daddy don't sing"