Monday, July 03, 2006

monday monday

Here I am at work sitting in my chair. the young punks here played a joke on me and took my chair apart and hid the pieces. I had this coming because I sabotaged one of their bikes by loosening the seat and front brakes. Just kind of a work place moral boost I say. I bet Cessna, albeit maybe more productive, is much lower in moral since I am gone. I bring moral! I need to think of something really good since these guys are nocturnal I have a lot of time to do something.
Zeke and I went to the Museum on Sat while mommy rested (she is pregnant you know). We like the science museum. They have this big cage of steel balls that role around and continually move going through wire tubes. Zeke can stare at that for a long time, especially for a 2 year old. They have a place where we sit and watch it. neat place, Angie doesn't like it so much but she is pregnant.
Mommy "you have a little pp on your hands?"
Zeke "yeah"
Mommy "you can wash your hands and not wipe them on me"
Zeke "daddy don't sing"


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