Friday, July 07, 2006

at a 4

Alright Angie went to the Doc yesterday and she is dilated to 4 which is wonderful but odd seeing how she doesn't have any major contractions. I am at work waiting any phone calls from her to huff my self back home on the bike to take her to the hospital. I worry that her water will break and the kid will come at home, I guess that will save money but I had rather do it the way God intended, at the hospital.
I bid on a wireless card on ebay, this would allow me to parooze the internet on my palm (that I fixed by taking it apart and putting it back together again, little trick I learned from doc bohrer) as if I needed more time on the internet. I figure it would be good at places I am not doing anything but waiting (if they have a hotspot).We will see.


At 6:20 AM, Blogger  admin said...

FYI, I had to drive my self down to have my second baby, cause Jag was on a bike that night., also. Be prepared for that. Amazing the similarities in this situation.
With Eli, I was dilated clear up to 6 the day before,, its like you get to skip all the labor preamble and go right to the good stuff, with successive childbirths. Isn’t it all so exciting!!!


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