Sunday, July 09, 2006

Hey Jude! Big chunk baby here.

Ok so I am finally getting to the blog after being at the hospital being laughed at by all the nurses for my camo pj's and baby blanket on my shoulders cause of the subfreezing temps. To the left is the latest recruit to the Flippo family. Judah Daniel Flippo. He was born on Friday the 7th at 3:01 pm, weighing in at 9 lbs and 4 ounces and 18.5 inches long. He really has done nothing more than sleep and eat so we know he is ours, we are much more laid back with this one and we enjoyed the hospital, I told Angie it was like vacation with cable tv and everything!

at the bottom here is Zeke showing his good side and kissing his little brother after a little coaching from grammy. He is handling it very well which he is mostly is excited to have so many people visit us. Notice the knitted "tuke" that Jude is sporting, too bad we didn't have one for Zeke.

On the right is Jude's first onesie, notice the Jeep motif. on the back it says upside down "If you can read this roll me over!" Angie made it but I thought up the back, just add children's clothing designer to my resume. Well that is all the pics I will put up tonight, we are tired. Zeke and grammy are heading out tomorrow for Kansas for a few days so that Angie could rest more. I have two weeks with which to take off but I may take them off a day at a time to stretch them out. I must tell a hospital story. We got there, Angie was crying with labor pains and I say "we are here to check in" I said that because all the nurses were looking at me with a confused look. To reply to my statement one of the nurses says "for what". at this moment my confidence, as I was holding a backpack and 3 pillows, in the compentency of these professionals was at its lowest. "TO HAVE A BABY" I stated rather confused if we were in the wrong section of the hospital. "OK fill this out" they say slowly as the rest of the nurses stare at us. Later on they confessed that they were a little confused as well since most of their moms come in for inductions and are not in labor. It would seem to me that they could practice this a little since they are a birthing facility. It is also funny how the attitudes of the nurses change once they find out that you really are in labor and not just faking. Night and day, Angie was dilated to a 7 when we got there and when the nurse figured that out she got on the phone and told them to give us a room and for them to run. By the time Angie was checked in her room she was a 9. So we were only there for 2 hours before the kid got there. Also the couch that I had to sleep on could have been more comfortable, also a tutorial on what all the contraptions in the bathroom do would have been helpful.


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