Lots of HW
I am motivated in writing this out of not wanting to start my math homework. We have slept good the last two nights, thanks God.
It is starting to get cool and dry here. Zeke woke up saying "my lips are chapped" and I am starting to get shocked really bad again when I get out of the car. I call this "my condition" because it is a big part of my life in the winter months. I stop the car and dread getting out, I have tried several things..jumping..touching the ground first. the best thing that works is to hold my keys and touch them to the door which produces a quarter inch arc of paingiving electricity. This reduces the pain but I still feel it between my hand and the keys, and I may someday weld my keys to the door! I have narrowed the culprit down to my rear sliding on the seat. Maybe leather seats would be better? I wonder if I could get a doctor to perscribe leather seats and then make it a tax deduction?
gotta go get busy.
ahh sleep
Well we have slept 3 out of the 4 last nights. Angie was up last night for about an hour, she is a little discouraged but not devastated.
We went to the Zoo on Saturday for most of the day, I am not a real zoo fan I am noticing. it was a beautiful day to walk outside, maybe it was cause Zeke was not that much into it either. He was more interested in chopping down the trees and flowers with a stick, we had to put a stop to that.
Well today I am goign to mill some, then go to class, then work on homework. That is my day.
What a night
Sleeping is not something taken forgranted at our house. Endulge me as I go over the events of last night, which has become the normal around here. At 11:00 pm we settled down to sleep, Angie took an Ambian (she has had trouble sleeping again). at 3:00 am she gets up and moves to the couch where she looks at pictures on the computer and has a snack. at 3:30 something wakes me up I go check on her. She is doing well and not that discouraged. I go back to bed but I can't sleep well. She comes back to bed at 4:00 am, I wake up and can't sleep. I get up at 4:30 (I can't sleep well either anymore) and move to the couch where I think that I can sleep better and not worry about waking Angie. at 5:30 Judah wakes up and I give him a bottle (he has no trouble with sleeping). At 6:00 am I put him in his crib and I go get in bed with Angie and sleep till 6:30. At that time Zeke comes in saying that his diaper is full (meaning overfull). I get up and take him to the bathroom and take his sheets off his bed. He goes and gets in bed with Angie. I see that he is in bed and I go lay on his bed (on a dry blanket) until 7:30 when Zeke comes in saying that he doesn't want to sleep anymore. I get up and give him breakfast and let him watch part of a video while I make coffee. Keep us in your thought about Angie sleeping, her body is getting used to the Ambian so even it doesn't keep her asleep. She is doing well emotionally with it and learning alot about trust in God and not in medicine. She had a lot of broken expectations that the meds would heal everything by now. We will not be having any more children on purpose.

Here is my boy cutting his teeth on a little math. these are his special math glasses.
We had a rough night last night, Angie was up again alot and pretty discouraged. She is going to take a sleeping pill tonight while I get up with Judah. What a good man I am!!! I secretly take out 10$ from the budget and put it in my personal money for the effort. Kind of paying myself.....I'm kidding! And no Gail she Angie doesn't get paid for getting up with him either. Keep us in your prayers about sleep and anxiety.
I went riding with the guys yesterday and it was a lot of fun. I took Smokey (used to play football for OU), he loved it but was pretty tired. I got to see him crash several times. I took the kid seat off of my wife's bike (golden boy) and took it, and I must say that it was a lot better ride. it is smaller and lighter and also the handlebars are chopped so that the trees don't latch on so easily. I think that I might just trade her. The back tire on that bike is not a knobby but more a fat slick with some grooves for tread. I was afraid this would hurt me on the hills but I didn't notice it much and it made it more fun to slide around the curves. Thanks Kim for that bike. Well gotta go.
Dr Wang didn't show up today
Thursday mornings is my English lesson with Dr Wang, his family came in on Tuesday so maybe that is why the no show. So I have an extra hour to goof off with.
I spent yesterday mostly in the machine shop making parts on the NC mill, so yes it was a good day. I rammed the tool into a clamp for the first time. I looked up and there was something glowing (friction) I broke the center drill bit but that is OK I say, I am a learner. Plus no one was watching so I got away with it. Today though I have to spend doing homework for my math class, I don't have as much motivation for this class maybe it is cause I have been in school so long, maybe cause I have milling to do (which is much more fun), or maybe I am just brain lazy!
Ok Dr Wang just showed up and we talked. He told me what the english translation for Ke Ko Ke La meant, which happens to be the Chinese name for Coka cola. It means something like makes your mouth happy! isn't that cool. When I started out this morning on my bike to work there was some sort of burnt acrid smell in the air and it reminded me of China... ahhh takes me back.
I am still up in the air about cell phones, we are considering going to AllTel because alot of Angie's family is on it and would save us money but I have heard a lot of bad things about them. Of Course Cingular isn't all that great either. Since I lost my palm pilot (or the whistlepigs took it) I would like to get a pal mpilot phone, but to do that with Alltell you have to buy the extra 40$ a month service which I say "bu hao" (no good). So I might just get one off of ebay.
gotta go
I am still here
Still here, not much to write though. Zeke is driving us nuts. He is not sleeping well, or at least going to sleep well and then he is so tired that he is a crank all day. When I get home Jude is a crank, just his part of the day to be that way I guess. Angie is doing well and is not a crank. We are still looking for a minivan but are giving up somewhat. We are thinking that when it gets cool we can try Angie's little car while we sell the Jeep and save on gas money that way as well. it gets around 40mpg which is abotu3 times better than the jeep. We will be sardines though. We are going riding Saturday morning, I think Smokey (a friend who used to play for OU) will join us on his new bike he got for his birthday. He told us about a special breed of goats that freeze up when scared, he purchased some the other day and has had a great time scareing them. Now that is redneck.
Joke: I set punk #1's homepage on his computer to a bed wetting site.
result: haven't heard anything.
Zeke "I like to push buttons"
I don't know what to call this?
Ok so here I am alone, or at least the only one awake. Zeke is sleeping in (it is now 7:40) which is really amazing, Judah is very loud but he sleeps between screams, and Angie is still out with ear plugs walling her off from reality. I have to go to work soon and will have to wake my beloved out of her walled off dreams. Work is going well I am assisting the Dean of Engineering in a class and I must say that I am making quite a hit! This is the only time in my life that the years spent at Cessna have paid off since he is very happy that I have experience, if he only knew what I actually didn't do at Cessna. My other class I am to grade lab reports, these reports have abstracts in them and I find it rather funny that I am grading peoples writing skills when I have none of my own. My hypocrisy knows no bounds, maybe I will learn something from them? Maybe I will just give them all A's. I am trying to read through a techinical writing guide to help me in this area. I really don't know how someone can be taught to write other than practice (hence my blog).
Well better go I have grading to do, I have this really cool new red pen that just bleeds over everyone's papers. I wish that I had a page size "F" stamp!
Calgon take me away
I am sitting in a quiet dark place while my family sleeps. I keep having to stick a plug in Judah's mouth but he is somewhat asleep. Angie was up last night and had a snack, that seemed to help. Zeke got up at 5 something and was soaking wet. I gave him a milk and changed him, hopefully he will sleep a while. it is rare that I have this time like I used to. I used to have freash coffee and an hour or so to myself everyday. Today was nice but the coffee maker went off at midnight instead of 6:00 so I had to reheat it making sure I didn't wake anyone with the noisy microwave. We have shelves in our kitchen now, I love them and Angie loves the extra space but not so much the look of them. We are in contention now because I want the microwave on top of the refridge where it is out of the way and we have more room. She says that it is too high. She can't move it so I guess I could just leave it up there, but I can't cook and she could stop making food! We each have our roles I guess, she cooks and feeds our family...I carry stuff around. This place is small, I look around for things to throw away. I spent most of my life gaining stuff, but now I spend it trying to make sure there is a path that I can walk through without bruising a shin against something. Last night I was wondering if both kids could share the same bed? Maybe they could sleep at different ends or taking shifts....no I don't like the shift idea we all need to sleep at once, that way noone is sneaking out the door to play in the sandbox at 5 in the morning. Well I had better go enjoy this time.