Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Calgon take me away

I am sitting in a quiet dark place while my family sleeps. I keep having to stick a plug in Judah's mouth but he is somewhat asleep. Angie was up last night and had a snack, that seemed to help. Zeke got up at 5 something and was soaking wet. I gave him a milk and changed him, hopefully he will sleep a while. it is rare that I have this time like I used to. I used to have freash coffee and an hour or so to myself everyday. Today was nice but the coffee maker went off at midnight instead of 6:00 so I had to reheat it making sure I didn't wake anyone with the noisy microwave. We have shelves in our kitchen now, I love them and Angie loves the extra space but not so much the look of them. We are in contention now because I want the microwave on top of the refridge where it is out of the way and we have more room. She says that it is too high. She can't move it so I guess I could just leave it up there, but I can't cook and she could stop making food! We each have our roles I guess, she cooks and feeds our family...I carry stuff around. This place is small, I look around for things to throw away. I spent most of my life gaining stuff, but now I spend it trying to make sure there is a path that I can walk through without bruising a shin against something. Last night I was wondering if both kids could share the same bed? Maybe they could sleep at different ends or taking I don't like the shift idea we all need to sleep at once, that way noone is sneaking out the door to play in the sandbox at 5 in the morning. Well I had better go enjoy this time.


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