Friday, August 04, 2006

Well it has been awhile, sorry about my lacking blogger skills. Zeke has had the big "D" and I don't mean Dallas. We have been up to our ears in poopy around here. I think I got some in my nose cause I smell it everywhere! Zeke has also not been a good napper for Mommy, which means that everyone is in a bad mood when Daddy comes home. We have a nice family tradition of showing a movie on the wall in our house using a projector I borrow from the lab. We couldn't do the "movie on the wall" night cause Zeke had to go to bed early. We tried our best to drill it in to him that his earlier actions with napping caused a rift in the family tradition. We were going to try to head home this weekend to see the family and take Zeke to the demolition derby in barber county. but the big D forced us not to. Maybe in a few weeks when Angie's family has a reunion. We are still looking and praying for a van...what have we turned into? I am actually thinking of a smaller 4 door car if we cannot find a van.
I am going riding tomorrow with Roman and Andy at 7:00 a.m. Funny these guys don't usually go to bed until 7:00. maybe I will catch them tired and I can keep up.
The Europa porbe experiment is not going well. I amhoping for next week, that I can redo the experiment with some new ideas and get something that I can put in a paper. I have to hand in a rough draft by thursday. It was not all bad today, most of my materials came for my testing machine that I am making. really cool stuff I must say. OU orders all their aluminum from the yard store in Wichita where I hung out so many years.
Well I had better get to bed.

Zeke "why you tell me no Mommy....... telling little boys no hurts their feelings!"


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