Monday, August 14, 2006

I have the Ivy

Yep I got itchy ivy on my legs from riding last saturday, I am supposed to go tomorrow with Roman at 8:00 which is pretty early for him. Angie and the boys have gone home to Kansas to rest for the week in Grammy's care, her sisters will also be staying so its a real party, which I will miss until Friday. I will hopefully be getting a lot of work done as well as some riding in! I went over to Roman's and Brandons house to grill burgers tonight and watched "strange brew". Strange Brew is a movie from the 80's that I grew up on, meaning that I watched it over and over (sometimes right after each other) until mom switched it off and kicked shannon and I outside to do something constructive. Brandon had never seen it and left half way through saying that it was terrible, Roman and I watched the whole thing and yeah its pretty terrible but ohh man soooo funny.
Bad things are happening with thie Europa thing, Doc found a paper that was already written that I should have found that pretty much already did what I was going to do. so That is out I am trying to fix it by coming up with something new to experiment with but no dice, looks like I will not be going to California next month! I really have a lot to learn about research, but I guess that is what I am here for, that and making fun of these young punks.
The punks cut a hole in my water jug (1 gallon milk jug that I use for water) so when I would take a drink water spills out. I have to hand it to them they are pretty clever, I put peanut butter under roman's handlegrips on his bike but I need to come up with something grand. I am thinking about some sort of spilling thing from the ceiling.
Angie is feeling better (she had trouble with sleeping for a while), I am glad cause now I can get some sleep as well.

Dan "Zeke who drives faster mommy or daddy?"
Zeke "Aunt Kathy"


At 2:32 PM, Blogger  admin said...

dan if they have schraeder valves, put some water in their tubes. Just enough so that it makes sloshing noises when they ride. Another idea I had was to install a hidden air horn under their seat, and rig it such that it sounds off when they coast. I don't know how you would do that, but i'm sure it can be figured out, (in your spare time)


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