Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Pillow Hut

Today Zeker and I built a pillow fort out of most of the pillows and blankets we own, he had fun jumping off the table (coffee) onto it. I think I actually wore him out, usually it is the other way around. By the time Angie got home he was tired and crabby, she didn't even appreciate me wearing him for her! School has been harder lately, got a class that I don't understand much in. Funny how often I blame the teacher for things like that. I have to find a paper that satisfies his parameters and then do a review on it. I am having trouble even finding a paper! He is the guy that when I said "can I ask a stupid question" in class he said "no problem, there may be other stupid people here too". He is from a different country so I will cut him some slack but he still is not that diplomatic.
Zeke at the dinner table "I spy with my little eye something breakable."

Monday, March 20, 2006

Coming into manhood

Zeke is showing the signs of knowing which gender he is. That stage where boys want to be with daddy and everything is icky girl. He are some quotes.
Daddy "I will be home in a few hours and we will play play play"
Zeke "and mommy will go bye bye bye"
Zeke "bye bye mommy go cook me food"
We are doing well, we took a quick trip home for Dad's birthday party and then back again late saturday night. I like travelling when the kid is asleep. Both Angie and I are having back pain hers is due to the human she is carrying, I have no good reason for mine other than sitting on my kiester all day. Anyway Angie hogged the back massager the whole trip, but I got to spend an hour in the hotub at mom's and she couldn't so I guess it was even except for her telling me everytime she changed the settings on the massager the whole way home.
We try to remember all the sayings Zeke says but we only get about 60% the others just are forgotten. I know we should write them down but my hands are usually full at the time.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

On Vacation

I have been on vacation these last few days, spring break we in the acedamia call it. I was just thinking how funny it is that I didn't tell anyone other than my wife that I was taking these days off, no calls into work, no forms to fill out. There is a lot of flexibility in this thing I do (sometimes I have a hard time calling it work). I will go back tomorrow just to get some things done and take advantage of a campus without the pesky students getting in my way. My boss is still in California and won't be back till Summer, I do have several things to do for him whilest he is gone, and it looks like I might be sharing my research topic at a symposium here at OU in the spring (which is soon). This kind of excites me since I like the attention! I may have to break into my Chinese rendition of 'the hernia blues' ...maybe for an encore.
We have had a really good break, Miss Tara from Wichita came to visit us over the weekend. We went to the Zoo on Saturday and Monday (we have a season pass now). We went to Target (I got new shoes, Angie has a narrow outlook on old clothing), and a new mall where Zeke found a great little indoor park to pee his pants in.
At school I am learning a new program called Carrarra, it is used for computer generated video much like toy story. I am thinking about using to make a robotic presentation video for my boss, maybe in my movie our robot will be pulling out the mars rover from a sand dune or chase down martians and wrestle them up like on COPS. I was also thinking about making some kids videos for Zeke. I talk big but when will I have time to do this.
Here are some quotes, and for Miss Michelle's benefit I will include some context. By the way say hello to miss Michelle Rypma from Wichita. She hasn't ackowledged that she reads this but will have other sources.
Zeke in the car coming from Wichita with new light up shoes from Grammy "Daddy will be jealous of my new shoes"
Zeke praying at lunch "Thank you Jesus for bringing miss Tara to knock knock knock on our door"
Dan "Zeke lets cut some paper" (one of Zeke's favorite things to do)
Zeke "yeah lets make a mess"
Zeke after getting in trouble "daddy patty cake patty cake bakers man spank my booty" 
Well have a great week and leave some comments or I will sick google ads on you, by the way they sent an email saying that I was turned down for there little club. So much for that big plan, I may have to start my own web site and market it, I just need something to market!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

And so it goes

A lot to share today, not sure if I can remember it all. Actually I can't remember anything right now....... Oh yes the housing department came and took all our stuff we had outside (toys grill shelves) away. We were warned but they said they wouldn't take toys, so we have some justified righteous anger. We went and tried to get it back but we have to wait until monday to sign up for a friday time slot to get our stuff back. I am thinking that it would have taken a lot of work to get everyones stuff (and there was a lot of people with alot of stuff) and that I didn't have to do it! I will have to get my stuff though so that is some hassle.
Zeke "Lets go get our sandbox back!"
Well Angie baby donut and Zeke are back from Kansas there is no food left for them so Angie is going shopping today. I am glad to have my family back, it was nice to get more work done but I the 12-14 hour days kind of burnt me out I think. I am not as hard core as I thought.
Zeke at the resteraunt talking to people at the next table "Ladies I tooted"
Mommy "Zeke we don't say that to people that we don't know at a restaraunt"
Zeke "Ladies excuse me"
Zeke rolling down the car window "I roll down the window to get some beautiful day in my eye"
Zeke "daddy where is my pancreas"
I have started work at the church on Sundays, yep I know have keys to yet another church. I played their piano, it was nice my fingers are out of shape and they ached. I was there until about 9:30 at night and that was with someone helping me. I might have to get a book on tape or something to entertain me whilest I work in the house of God, maybe I can get him to mop the preschool for me?
I wanted to ackowledge yet another reader, this one is international. Give a big Flippoblog welcome to Aaron and his lovely wife Laurel sp? (actually I don't think she reads this, not sure she even likes me) who are live in the mid-east asia area. Welcome and ni howdy. The Flippo blog is now officially read around the world. My art teacher once told me that I would be misunderstood, now I will be misunderstood around the world.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

one more try

OK so I just signed up again for Google ad sense. I am a reformed man and have learned my lesson....not quite sure what I did but I am repentant. My application has gone off to be appraised by google. I didn't change anything from last time I signed up except for my email, I must admit I feel a little deceptive from this but it is a new email address that I have even thought the old email address is still working. I don't feel like I did anything bad to google to get kicked off, although I should have read in their fine print I admit. So if I do gets to display ads again don't anybody click on them...not one click! Just ignore them even if it's what you have always wanted.
Angie and Zeke are headed to Kansas this weekend to go to Angie's friend's Dad's (a lot of appostrophys) funeral. Sorry Flippo gang she will not have time to stop by. I on the other hand will be staying in Norman working 14 hour days getting as much as I can done while they are gone.
more quotes
"My pancreas hurts" Zeke. I must admit he got this from me, my pancreas hurts all the time.
Well you stay safe and healthy.
Ancient proverb "never pet burning dog"