and the boys win!
Well our new human child is a boy, we went to the sonogram today. It amazed me while I was sitting in a comfy chair holding my wifes hand how much I could NOT see in that machine, it looked like channel 8 on my old mans TV before he got cable. "there is the femur" she would say "there is his bladder" is she kidding? I see a dark spot on the screen and I am happy to have something to look at, she can tell it's the left kidney. I know that she is a trained professional but I gotta wonder is she pulling my femur? Maybe it is just wife ooded and ahhed and maybe shed some tears over the gift of life displayed on the screen.. there I was looking over the machine wondering how it worked and how angie was going to get that jelly off of her belly. The professional seamed sure he was a boy, again I will have to take her word for it. I even got a picture if that matters....
"I'm a brave man" Zeke after rolling up his shirtsleeves?.....maybe the professional can explain that one.
Well I had to reformat my laptop, it goes alot faster now without all those Ad programs installed. Actually it was the fastest I have ever done it so I feel pretty good about myself after the sonogram I need some confidence.
take care and beware of the bear.
Well it has been a few days before I could talk about it but I have been black listed from Google ads, yes somehow they shut me down along with my dreams of sitting on my kiester! Aparently, and I didn't know this until I read the fine print, you are not supposed to encourage your friends to click on your web site and well I have been given das boot. that same day, "and this will show you how down I was"(blues brothers) SBC Yahoo kicked me out of yahoo email. Apparently we only had those email addresses because we were on the sbc yahoo DSL package. Well you may ask why didn't it go off last August when you stopped paying for it, well some things we won't know until heaven and that maybe one of them, although I will probably forget to ask God about that. So SBC Yahoo gave me das boot as well. At least my son didn't reject me after I had to chase him down for a hug. We now have new email addresses, Angies is Angie dot flippo that little at sign and then gmail dot com. I have to write it out so that the hacker crazies won't get her email. mine is still the same main one
jeepfleet that little at sign then pobox dot com it will forward to my new gmail account. I have also picked up a new pobox alias of DEEPPURPLE dot POBOX dot com. I did that so I could give it out to all these OU yahoos. either one will get an email to me. Well I am still thinking what to do with the google ads, should I call and claim ignorance? anyway you faithfull friends and family who click for us you can stop now it didn't work.
more quotes
(my spanish buddy at work named Pedro) "This chocolate mix is good .... better than kissing girl"
(zeke) how you doin daddy?
(daddy) outstanding
(zeke) no your in the car!
(zeke) "it itches....something wrong with my booty"
Well see you around, by the way the LARRY videos are up and running but a little slow. I am trying to get the silo video working but it is a little big.
bad news
The money has dwindled to nothing. I am thinking that Google will only allow a certain person a set number of clicks on my web site and the ads before it doesn't count that person anymore. This is bad news but I don't blame them they need some way to keep people from doing that. thanks to all who tried I made 25 total so far, but I need to make at least 100$ before they send it to me. So unless I make it to 100$ they will get free money! I am still trying to put video on line but meeting with trouble. People are starting to get pugilistic when I don't recognize them on the blog, I tell them as soon as I know that they are reading it then I will acknowledge them! Well Justin and Laura Mourne (and baby toots) this your day. Welcome to the Flippo blogging family. I noticed that Scott Raub has taking his required blog (need to sign up to leave a comment) and run with it. he has his clan up there. Anyway my bike ride to work this morning was kind of cold and dicey. there is ice and snow covering the sidewalks and I could not find a stocking hat so I was a little chilly. I got the office personal heater going right now on full max blast. Soon I will have to open the window.
gotto go do something.
At home right now, Angie called me to the hallway where there was water leaking from the ceiling in our hot water tank closet. Well my first thought is "aahhhaaa I get to call maintainence and have someone else do that for me!" but then Angie brought up that the Chinese family upstairs has a washer and it might be them. In an attempt to not get them in trouble (we are not supposed to have washing machines, theirs is taking up most of their hallway, they have to move it to go to the bathroom) I go upstairs and bang on the door for several minutes. Pete Wai Gong comes to the door a little flustered, I ask him about the water and he says he is to blame and he is having trouble with the washing machine. So I nod and let him back to his crisis. He didn't invite me in, but I think I should have asked to serve him and also to see what kind of mess there was so that I could tell angie about it.
I found out today that Amazon pays 10% if you have a link to one of their books and someone buys it through your web site. What a crazy world wide web it is!!
Oh yes before I forget I was looking over my blog today and saw that several people had left comments, I never saw those before. So without further adoooo lets welcome Janice and David from Chicago (with baby oliver), Big Sister Gail from St Loui, and the graves from that quaint little menonite town of Gossellllll. Curt get me a picture of your boat and I will proudly display it for sale, along with a small wife just said that was tacky, so I guess you can take me out for dinner....nope that won't work either. This is the last time I blog with my wife in close proximity.
trying out the email publishing, this is so that I don't have to go through the work of actually signing on to the blog website.....making my kiester that much more comfortable! I like to think of it as being more productive.
Big news I made 4.18$ today from having ads on my website!! Thank you all for helping and clicking on those annoying little money making ads. I think 4.18*30 = 120$ a month for sitting on my kiester....wait I am an engineer that is what I do! Keep clicking and I will send you a Christmas card if I can figure out who is visiting my site. Tara, Scott, KPS I need you three to beat the bushes and give out my web site to as many people that you can. I need to put in on my car somehow and give out business cards! I haven't yet figured out how to put video on but I am working on it. Well thanks again.
"I want to check my email"

My what big ears you have...Zeke aquired this at a party we were at. He was the only kid there so we were chasing him around making sure he didn't break anything.
I have a web site now come see me at so far I just have my resume and my past masters thesis on it so far so don't get your hopes up.
I think the Zeke quotes are popular so are some more.
"daddy you are lucky .... mommy you are pretty ...not lucky"
""my lips hurt real bad, I need chapstick"
I am currently learning Dreamweaver, Photoshop, carerra, flash, freehand all in one class. So hopefully I can use that in my website. I am also looking for a part time job and UPS is not hiring in OK city Scott, I am thinking about going and slapping down a resume at starbucks. Their benefits are outstanding, better than Cessna's. You even get a pound of coffee a week and free drinks while you are working! Talk about enabling my caffeine habit. Well come see my website and keep coming cause I work on it daily.
Peace out