Saturday, February 25, 2006


Well it has been a few days before I could talk about it but I have been black listed from Google ads, yes somehow they shut me down along with my dreams of sitting on my kiester! Aparently, and I didn't know this until I read the fine print, you are not supposed to encourage your friends to click on your web site and well I have been given das boot. that same day, "and this will show you how down I was"(blues brothers) SBC Yahoo kicked me out of yahoo email. Apparently we only had those email addresses because we were on the sbc yahoo DSL package. Well you may ask why didn't it go off last August when you stopped paying for it, well some things we won't know until heaven and that maybe one of them, although I will probably forget to ask God about that. So SBC Yahoo gave me das boot as well. At least my son didn't reject me after I had to chase him down for a hug. We now have new email addresses, Angies is Angie dot flippo that little at sign and then gmail dot com. I have to write it out so that the hacker crazies won't get her email. mine is still the same main one jeepfleet that little at sign then pobox dot com it will forward to my new gmail account. I have also picked up a new pobox alias of DEEPPURPLE dot POBOX dot com. I did that so I could give it out to all these OU yahoos. either one will get an email to me. Well I am still thinking what to do with the google ads, should I call and claim ignorance? anyway you faithfull friends and family who click for us you can stop now it didn't work.
more quotes
(my spanish buddy at work named Pedro) "This chocolate mix is good .... better than kissing girl"
(zeke) how you doin daddy?
(daddy) outstanding
(zeke) no your in the car!
(zeke) "it itches....something wrong with my booty"
Well see you around, by the way the LARRY videos are up and running but a little slow. I am trying to get the silo video working but it is a little big.


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