new pics

Here are a few pictures of me with my feet up while other people work, for some reason I just think its hilarious! The first one is my brother in law mowing, the next is my son washing the car. The last picture is me in the Jeep dealership bathroom posing in front of a poster.
I like to go through the junk in my lab on occasion and I find some really cool stuff, I just found a scandisk memory card reader which will let me read in pictures off of a card much easier.

Here are some pics from the family. There was one with my mother in law next to the donkey, out of wisdom I decided not to post that one, it is taking great restraint.
Judah was up several times last night.
Zeke: after Judah had spread around "poopy" all over the living room and touched Zeke with it "Judah that is Nasty!"
still here
Mat's laptop went down in flames yesterday with a noise that sounded like a dying bird. He is still trying to get the data back but a black day indeed. Doc went out and bought us a 500 Gig backup hard drive for us to back up everything weekly. I am trying that now, but it keeps giving me errors. And 50 gigs of memory takes a while to go through a USB port!
I brought in "it's a mad mad mad mad mad world" today for us to start watching over lunch everyday, I think mat and Tim would like it.
Spent all yesterday morning looking for bevel gears the right size, kind of gave up and looked on ebay and found some for 20$ what a time to be alive. Maybe I will buy our next kid on ebay?
Angie's back is hurting again, she is going to try to start cross training a little and bike in lieu of run somedays. She biked about 10 miles this morning, which is pretty good for someone not used to a bike I would say.
Zeke and I had a dart gun fight before everyone came over last night and I scored a good crotch shot on him which we thought was funny, I don't know why guys think that is so funny? but we laughed about it and then when all the guests came over for thursday night dinner zeke said "Daddy shot me in the pee pee". Angie wanted me to do something, but I couldn't the comment was already made. Good one Zeke, your day is coming my friend may your kids bring you such joy.
new place to work

So I get this email from Dr P (the grad student adviser) who is in charge of placing people in offices.
"During a walk-through to allocate offices for
new graduate students, we noticed that you are
occupying all three desks in Room 141 FH.
My understanding is that Faculty members with lab space
will use the lab space to house all their computers/research equipment and
the offices such as 141 FH will be used by GTAs for office hour
interaction with undergraduate students.
We have had an increase in the number of incoming graduate students,
and need space to seat them. Room 141 has three desks and we
will be allocating two more students to this office.
Please move the materials on the other two desks so that the
office can accomodate two more students.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Dr. P
Graduate Liaison, AME"
actually my office was getting too small for me and my stuff, let alone two more people! So I moved everything in with Mat Roman, which is working out well the only bad part is that I have to listen to his boom-de-boom music. My desk in the other room I will use for storage for all my junk, this is needed even after I threw away a whole bin full of stuff.
I have been praying for a new laptop (the one Doc gave me can't be moved or else it starts to chatter). Doc came in the other day and said that if I volunteer as a tutor the department will put 2500$ in an account to use for such things as laptops. So I will be ordering my new mac powerbook next week. This is good news and really cool, if God would have given me 2500$ I would not have used it on a laptop, but this way I have no choice,
robert is your uncle Fanny is your aunt, everything is shiny.
I also asked to be out of debt before we leave here, that is harder to trust for but we shall see what glorifies him the most.
Mat and I went riding last week and the trail out at the lake is awful, overgrown and eroded with lots of spider webs. I am sure they will work on it soon but it was disappointing. Mat did crash though which is always an upper.
Zai Jian Dr Wang

Dr Wang, my english tutoring student (I teach him, not the other way around) is leaving to go back to China this Saturday. I will miss him, he is a pretty funny guy. He took the Flippo's out for dinner at the White Swan Chinese place last night. It was a good time with some really good food. it is nice to have a Chinese guy with you when you eat in these places cause I think they go the extra mile for you. The kids were good for the most part with a few hiccups. Judah was covered in fried rice by the time we were done and Zeke was in rare form with his comments. Here are a few.
Daddy "Zeke stop picking your nose"
Zeke "it has to come out!"
Zeke after getting his first Chinese dish yells "This smells awful!"
Zeke half way through dinner "how about we get out of here"
at this point the waitress handed Zeke some chop sticks and a bowl of crunchy chips, his mood changed.
Zeke "why do they call them chop sticks"
Zeke "these are really good!" "this tastes like heaven"
Dr wang also said that he could set up several lecture gigs for me in China if we come visit and we could get free lodging. We were excited about that, maybe someday. We will leave this kids at home!
God's speed Dr Wang, may you prosper and find joy.
Zeke quotes
We had some good Zeke quotes while on vacation
"can we come out of here (gas station) with slushies in our hands?"
"the tornado has already been here" Zeke after visiting aunt kathy's bedroom
"nice glasses daddy" after seeing my retro chips glasses
mommy "Zeke do not put you feet on the table"
Zeke "short term memory loss"
I am now working on an amp for my sensor, I get to use a circuit board printer available to us in a different lab. it is turning out pretty well, I still have a lot to learn about soldering nice neat joints. I have a huge amount of little things to get done on the machine, we shall see. On monday I start TA'ing for intro to computing class, I am not real excited about this. It means I have to run two help sessions and grade 80 homeworks a week. blah blah blah, but you know it is still better than cessna!
sorry,, bad blogger
I have been away, long away.
We went to wisconsin, it was a long way to go but the boys did well and anytime with the Flippo's is entertaining. We rented a car for the trip (Ford Fusion) for gas mileage and no worries, it worked out well. Especially since when we returned the ac went out on the Jeep (fixed now), would have been really hot coming home without AC.
We got home to a house of mold, we left the AC on to prevent this but that was not enough. We called maintenance and they came and cleaned part of it up (not real motivated, that comes with a government run establishment) so Angie and I took everything out and Angie bleached it all and then we washed everything (in the kitchen) and put it back. We were a little disappointed in housings lack of effort in this, but like I said it is government run. It is this concept which makes me cringe at the sound of government run health care.
Also when we got back my laptop (really my bosses old mac) starting acting up, it now sits in my office not able to move. it is on permanent bed rest due to its dimensia when handled and bent. So we are praying for a new laptop. There is new hope for the MSC contracting position, it is still a maybe. We are hoping for that, it would be 10-20 hours extra a week for a whole lotta moola and good resume filler.
Judah is now walking, still not sleeping real well.
Zeke is starting to read. "Zeke sat on Cat" it is neat to watch his mind sound out the words. I am looking forward to the day when he can read to me while I drink a bottle!
The students are back and really pesky. traffic is bad again. Maybe I will talk matt into calling in a bomb scare so that I can ride home without running into anyone.
We have a new guy in our group, his name is Tim. not to be confused with old Tim. new tim is working on wheelchairs designs, I got to ride one the other day and it had some real pick up, I smashed my knee into the table.
more later, better get this out before the computer crashes.
I did get a chance to take my family to a water park and got to ride the lazy river, I love lazy rivers and hope to have one around my house in the country someday. you could take bb guns with you and shoot at tagets slong the way, also have a dinner tube for dinner on the river and a TV tube for watching movies on the river. Maybe I will make it go past a parking lot sothat any visitors have to take the LZR to my house.