on the farm

Here are some more pictures of the boys. Left one is at Lindsborg after a very cold outdoor shower with the hose. We take a lot of those this summer, it keeps the bathroom cleaner. The other picture is the boys in Oklahoma which they haven't seen in a month. It will be hard to move back to the small place and no tractors. I have spent my time writing my dissertation 56 pages now, draft 3 and knocking down chicken houses (on purpose) fixing the skid steer (my inheritance) and now I am cutting up old farming equipment to take to the scrap metal yard. Last night I started on the old pull behind combine. It had a flathead four cylinder Jeep Willys engine on it that we saved, there is also a lot of good metal that we will get off of it. There is a lot of metal around here to scrap, and they give you almost twice the amount when you cut it up into 3X2X2 foot sections. Last night I cut off a wheel and it fell and landed on my father in law. I didn't see him down there, there was blood and I immediately blamed it on my brother in law(that is in new orleans) which I think they are wondering if he did do it. I am also designing a outdoor wood burning heater for the farm house. Using an old fuel tank (empty) silo stones and metal from the old combine. They have an abundant wood resource here, and a hard time finding where to put the felled trees.

not much to comment on. I am still in Lindsborg but tonight I will leave for OU again to stay the rest of the week. Next weekend we will probably try out the Douglass city garage sale, my brother is selling a bunch of stuff, I need to make sure he is not selling anything of mine. Several pictures of the boys, they are taking apart a computer, our indian neighbor gives us old computers to take apart. Judah is into it jsut as much as we are. Yesterday at the farm we took apart an old dryer. That was fun. Don't pay attention to the dates on the pictures, our camers is about 5 years behind.
coffee shop

Here is another picture of he SWEET test foot. This one is actually going into the dissertation, unless something gets changed. I am still in Lindsborg at a coffee shop writing. up to 44 pages now, I need more pictures and graphs! I am trying to write now about my hypothesis and why these 5 professors should pass me into their carefully guarded realm of the doctoral club.
The other picture is of Zeke this last Feb, Uncle Russ took this. We have our mini van now, it is a dodge grand caravan 2003. Some kind of blue, important things are the DVD player (no more laptop) and better gas mileage. We are trying to sell the manly Jeep. KPS you want it? a good school car for your boys, they can park wherever they want with this bad boy. I am excited about the mpg savings and a new car, but I still think mini vans are ugly and not that manly.... maybe those things aren't as important. Just remember that mini van doesn't mean mini man. I may have to put a gun rack or bike rack on it just to prove that.
Summer of writing

Here is another picture from our little photo shoot, as you can see Judah is at least not picking his nose but he is busy sucking his thumb and playing with his ear. What can I say, we are a good looking bunch.
I am in Kansas now, trying to get motivated to write more of my dissertation. I am not a great writer, I do have a dictionary and thesaurus on my compute which is nice. I will start having mock presentations with my co workers as the audience to drill me, and my professor to ask me questions that are designed to fluster people. He is really good at that. This summer I hope to do my qualifying exams, which is trying to convince your committee that what I am doing is worth while. I am up to almost 40 pages in my paper, it will probably be about 10 times that amount in the end after I add all the schematics,drawings ,and code. My professor told me that the bigger the dissertation the less likely my committee will actually read it and the easier they will be on me! Good advice.
I picked a winner

We had a lot of family pics done by a guy here in Norman, he did a great job. He also edited these for us, including this one that he highlighted Judah in. It turned out to be my favorite.
Here in Lindsborg
We are here in Lindsborg now, On the farm. I already made a huge mud hole with the skid steer.