coffee shop

The other picture is of Zeke this last Feb, Uncle Russ took this. We have our mini van now, it is a dodge grand caravan 2003. Some kind of blue, important things are the DVD player (no more laptop) and better gas mileage. We are trying to sell the manly Jeep. KPS you want it? a good school car for your boys, they can park wherever they want with this bad boy. I am excited about the mpg savings and a new car, but I still think mini vans are ugly and not that manly.... maybe those things aren't as important. Just remember that mini van doesn't mean mini man. I may have to put a gun rack or bike rack on it just to prove that.
We are in a holding pattern with respect to our car situations. I think we might all be driving motorcycles soon. Supermoto for me, of course.
Finally, you got a Mom-mobile. I think we should get four SMART vehicles.
My old boss said we just drive golf carts instead.
Me, your sis-ta!
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