Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer of writing

Here is another picture from our little photo shoot, as you can see Judah is at least not picking his nose but he is busy sucking his thumb and playing with his ear. What can I say, we are a good looking bunch. 
I am in Kansas now, trying to get motivated to write more of my dissertation. I am not a great writer, I do have a dictionary and thesaurus on my compute which is nice. I will start having mock presentations with my co workers as the audience to drill me, and my professor to ask me questions that are designed to fluster people. He is really good at that. This summer I hope to do my qualifying exams, which is trying to convince your committee that what I am doing is worth while. I am up to almost 40 pages in my paper, it will probably be about 10 times that amount in the end after I add all the schematics,drawings ,and code. My professor told me that the bigger the dissertation the less likely my committee will actually read it and the easier they will be on me! Good advice.  


At 1:57 PM, Blogger  admin said...

Is Dusty still with your family? Big Lots has Roomba's on sale for $95 right now. I am thinking about it.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Flippo said...

I would buy it, Dusty is getting dimmensia. I have taken her apart and cleaned her out but she about ready to go to that big rug in the sky. We would buy another if we had the funds, We really miss her.


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