Friday, May 12, 2006

solar cell day 2

So I meet with Doc today to tell him how many solar cells we need and go over the initial design. This guy is really layed back so I have a lot of lattitude and not attitude. This morning I gave Angie an early mothers day present and took Zeke to wall mart for an oil change and playing with toys. I have a present for her as well but that will have to be on sunday. Zeker and I stopped by a garage sale and paroozed their goods. We bought some DVD's for 25 cents a piece and a dump truck (old tonka type) for 1.50. Uncle Jeff gave Zeke a dollar the other day and Zeke wanted to buy the truck with the dollar so we went for it. I asked if she would take a dollar and she said no, man how cheap some peopl! I was obligated to buy it and she knew it by looking at Zeke already playing with it so there went my walk away power. WAP is something very important in garage saleing. if you show that you can't walk away then your at the mercy of the salesman. WUP (Walk up Paroozal) is very important as well, when you walk up to the garage sale and you see something you want walk to the other section of the sale and work your way slowly over to it, that way you don't give yourself away too soon. I will try to give more garage saleing advice as the season progresses. Maybe I should start a garage saleing tutorial web site?


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