Thursday, May 04, 2006

Whatever happened to bananarama?

Venus was her name!
Thursday morning and I am giving a presentation on escalators today, I can't wait. I think I got some entertaining stuff but more than anything I just like attention so the presentation arena fits me well. A lot of people are nervous in front of people, I used to be but now it feeds my need for attention like gasonline on a fire! Maybe that is why I want to be a teacher, all those people looking at me and they have to be there for their grade! I think I am going to try to write everyday to this blog, they may be shorter but I think that I won't forget as much then.
Friday at 3:30 a "collegue" is giving his defense, usually they bring food for this so I will be there. After that is a party at my Prof's house for drinks. We have a sitter so we will go to the party and then when that gets old we will head to barnes and noble for a little R and R. I think I will start a list of my body parts that are hurting and post them on this blog, maybe this is more of the attention thing. Anyway my knee really hurt yeterday, I squatted down and bam.... pain. My pregnany wife really didn't feel sorry for me.
Zeke "We have a nice potty"
Zeke in the car "keep it between the ditches daddy"


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