Tuesday, May 02, 2006

pick a winner

Today my son and I, as we were walking to the park, discussed when and where it is appropriate to pick our noses. Up till now there have been "safe" picking areas such as the bathroom and his bed, no we have graduated to where we don't pick in front of other people, this is kind of hard for him since he is rarely alone but he will overcome.
I have been listening to the 80's music station on the web, I don't have serious documentation but I do see a definit improvement with productivity. I also have honed my 80's music trivia prowess, I took on my sister in law the other day (who has bragged that she knows the 80's scene) in a little 80's music trivia. The songs were played and the first to guess of course gets the point. We will just say that she has some more listening to do, at least I am a good sport about it....mostly.
The janitor here at Felger hall is named Richard, he is a good guy and we have a conversation most days. He is Creek indian and has taught me some words in his language. I found it funny that the word for girl is "Hokie". So from now on I will try to use my creek language when referring to Hokies. I also have learned from my Spanish friend the term gordo perdador, which means big fat loser. Someday I will pull that out of my vonacular arsenal and it will be a defining moment for Dan Flippo.
I have a presentation to do on escalators this Thursday, most people wonder why I am studying escalators, I say escalators are machines too. here is the site to see my presentation
http://mmeng.ou.edu/107/project/home.htm it is actually a media class that I am learning FLASH and some other programs. I am thinking about making a movie about martians attacking Ann of Green Gables.
Well I had better head out.
Zeke "I ate too much my belly fat like mommies"
Zeke in the car "keep it off the grass daddy"


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