Monday, May 08, 2006

Bike Commutor

I got a speedometer for my bike for my birthday (March 31) from my lovely wife, since then I have logged over 100 miles. Feels good to ride to work everyday and I think it is getting me in shape even though it is not far. Sometimes, when it is muddy out, it is a hassle to ride and I look like  a dork in my helmet but Angie has Zeke trained to ask me to wear it on the way out, who can say no.
Grammy and Papa (Angie's parents) came on saturday for a surprise visit, we met them at the omniplex (really cool science museum) and stayed there all day and then they took us out for dinner that night, good time. Zeke was tired and didn't do well in nursery the next day at church.
We are headed back in two weeks for graduation party and baby shower and haircut and whatever else we can fit in, mom by the way if you read this we will be coming home on Thursday night and staying till Saturday.
I have one more controls project due on Wednesday then I am done with classes for the semester, I am working full time for the Doc this summer and he already has a few projects lined up for me. I may be going to California to support the rover tests there in June. Also my abstract on Europa porbe steering (boring) got accepted to a conference in September in Santa Rosa CA, so I have to write that paper this summer. That will be my first publication, hopefully not the last I need to publish a lot to get a job teaching.
Well no new Zeke quotes that I can remember, sorry this is kind of slow news day but that is what you get when I write daily and when I don't get paid for it.


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