on my way to burbank

here in Phoenix, at the airport. Waiting. Oh yeah I have the stomach flu. I bought a 10$ sandwich but cannot eat much of it. I will be in Cali till Thursday and then back to OK then drive back to KS to pick up the family. I plan on sleeping in my hotel room alot and yacking their trash can!
build build build

So I took from college several skills, bunk bed making is one of the most useful. Pictured is Zeke's new bunk bed. We are hoping that the added floor space will move the toys into their room. Notice the Legos (we have a killer set of Legos). Judah still sleeps in the crib but it is tucked under Zeke's bed. We are having a hard time keeping Judah off the ladder and Zeke out of Judahs bed (he drops in every once in a while to wake up his brother and drink his milk bottle!) We do need more light in there and are working on that.
Angie is still feeling kind of crappy, we are not sure what it is. Keep praying for us
पस्त life

Haven't been riding in a long time, so shameful. I do miss it, but there is just too much going on to work at it and get back in that shape. maybe when it gets warmer I can drag mat out of bed and we'll go. I would still like to go to horizon and meet all the wichita people there.
All Flippo

Here is a onesie Angie made for Judah. It has the words to the Flippo song on it as well, I have been working on this song and it should be up to recording shape soon. Be on the lookout at the next church talent show.
60 ft of mobile action

OK so I have moved on from just normal touring buses to articulating buses! from the mere 40 footers to the less constrictive 60 footers! Yup this bus is so big it bends in the middle! I wonder if you can back these babies up? These jewels are pretty rare so I am thinking that I can do this mod to a normal 40 ft touring bus, it would be like a trailer except "attached". Anybody seen the 70's movie "the big bus"? well you should and you will see a lot of similarities, except the movie version had a big jet engine in the back, nuclear power, bowling alley, and swimming pool. Give me time and I think that I could compare!
an extra 20 ft would be nice, maybe for a massage parlor, or a machine shop! lets see 60 ft minus 5 ft to get livable space would be 55 ft * 8 ft across = 440 square feet... which is more than half of where we live now, park this bad boy out in the parking lot and make it the home edition we have always wanted!
could you imagine getting pulled over by a cop and watching him walk 60 ft to get to the front of the bus! he would be pretty mad and out of breathe by the time he got there!

So I am now babysitting students in lab. Kind of caught in a political mess here. The Fluids lab teacher is scared that the embedded systems students are going to mess up their experiments, so I am here babysitting making sure no one touches the hot ovens? Anyway my computer is running out of juice and I forgot my plugin at home! so I will have to start making loud obnoxious noises till these guys leave! it is 73 degrees outside today, and I am here making noises!
sleepless night

Keep praying for us, Angie didn't sleep well last night. Kind of discouraging after doing so well for so long.
not much else going on around here, KSU beat KU in basketball which is really cool even though I hate basketball. All of Angie's Aunts and Uncles went to KSU along with her Mom and Dad. it is fun to hear KState stories from them. Angie's uncle called after the game and was very excited. I would love to teach at KSU someday but who knows. Living in or near Manhattan and owning a Jeep collection and a huge 40 ft Bus, man that is heaven on earth.