build build build

So I took from college several skills, bunk bed making is one of the most useful. Pictured is Zeke's new bunk bed. We are hoping that the added floor space will move the toys into their room. Notice the Legos (we have a killer set of Legos). Judah still sleeps in the crib but it is tucked under Zeke's bed. We are having a hard time keeping Judah off the ladder and Zeke out of Judahs bed (he drops in every once in a while to wake up his brother and drink his milk bottle!) We do need more light in there and are working on that.
Angie is still feeling kind of crappy, we are not sure what it is. Keep praying for us
I LOVE IT! We've been trying to figure out a way to loft the boys' beds so that there is more floor space too. We're having issues with windows being in the way though. We may need to consult with you.
Me..the sista!
Maybe get ride of the toys, give them rocks and sticks to play with like we got when we were little.
Wait Dan did get toys, nevermind!
It does look good, need to add a firemans pole or rope so Zeke can get in to Judahs bed easier.
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