Friday, July 27, 2007

today is Finals day

I am standing here watching my class suffer while they take their final, I will look for cheating of course. If that happens then it will happen toward the end of class when people are desperate. I have not had to deal with that yet. The final is pretty hard, I took it and actually couldn't do one of the problems that I had on there. No I didn't give them that problem I switched it my hypocrisy has some bounds. I should walk around and say hmmmm or hmm mm or uh ohhh.

Angie and the boys are coming home tonight, I am looking forward to that. I really miss them, single life is fun for a little while but becomes old really fast when you are used to living such a deep life with kids ... albeit chaotic. We will rest this weekend and play play play then next week I have to meet with my boss and finish up an abstract for a conference he wanted me to try out for. We will see if that happens, I really need to publish some papers if I will ever have a job at a larger college.

Matt and I went to Tim's last night and set on the back porch talking, Tim is leaving on Sunday for a real paying job. God's speed Tim..... sucker!


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