Monday, July 09, 2007

what is that bright thing in the sky

Well it has been sunny the last few days, there are still several puddles and some really nasty large black skeeters but the rainy season is over for a while at least. Judah just had his 1st birthday (2 parties so far, one to go), he and Zeke are doing well. Both are talking alot and making a lot of noise. Yesterday Zeke and Judah crashed down pillow walls that I made, Zeke would run into them and then Judah would follow crawling.
We are trying to figure out how to get to Wisconsin for our family reunion. Planes trains or Jeeps. We don't really want to drive with the two kids. We are considering the plane idea but we have to get a ride from Madison.
Kids have not been sleeping well at all, we are wearing down.
It rained again tonight, really blew. Several trees had large limbs blown down, pretty cool. if it is going to rain why not blow down some limbs along the way.


At 5:54 AM, Blogger Closet Democrat said...

If you drive, you can spend the night here. We'll be in full remodel model but there will a bed for you. No working kitchen but that's why God made take out.

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Closet Democrat said...

I meant remodel mode. Have a headache, can't think today.


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