long time no blog

Sorry I have not been a real good blogger lately. Here are some pictures to make up for it. The tree that fell down is from the storm we had not long ago and the bike tire in the water is a part of my daily experience coming home from work. I had to ride in shorts today and change when I got to work.
There is also a picture of the FT sensor that I am working on, I have constructed a calibration table for it and have taken lots of data, so scientific of me. I need to make a 6 channel amp for it and then hit my boss up for 3500$ for a interface board for the computer. We shall see if that happens.
Teaching is going alright, if I can get my class to show up that is. There will be some who don't move on after this class. I have begged them to come to my office, I am even having a help session everyday after class for them. One guy came yesterday to it. I can't make them work I guess. My professor says that the world might be better off not having them as engineers. Today I will give them the evaluation for me, we shall see if it is therapeutic for them or not.
The boys will be staying with Grammy this coming week while Angie and I relax and enjoy life without kids. We are planning on going to the coffee store every night and watching a lot of stargate season 9.
We pretty much ran the tread off of dusty, actually her tread did fall off and I had to order new ones. I had to use the normal vacuum last night and it was a pain in the dirt bag. That little piece of sucking techno goodness has spoiled us and we miss her. Got to get her back in the family and back to work!
Looks like flying to Wisconsin is out so we will be driving, I don't really want to drive our gas eating Jeep there so we are thinking about renting a small car and driving full tilt with the movies playing for Zeke and benadryl for Judah (I am kidding). Maybe we will just turn the radio up when he starts crying.
The sticks are a the stick forest that Zeke and I made as a protest to taking our sandbox. I call it stick henge.
well gotta go.
A week with no kids? Just for fun, or do you have stuff going on? Who took the sandbox?! Shame on them! Did you get my phone message? We'd love to come visit you guys sometime in the near future...don't worry, we'd get a hotel room! :) I was updating our blog and thought I'd peek in on yours...
We miss you guys!
You can look at the raub blog. I updated it finally. I like your stick garden.
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