ahhhh spring

Supposed to be 68 degrees today, That is good news even if I am stuck in my hole in the basement of Felger hall. Right now I am working on a Junction Box that will house all the power supplies and Control boards for my machine, the idea is that I can unhook it from the machine and take it back to my office to test and play with.... or fix. I really enjoy things like this and have taken it upon myself to create a J box that is unrivaled. Here are some pictures so far. As you can see it is a tool box that I got from Home Depot. I put a little, what we call in the engineering field, bling into the name plate. I did this with the NC milling machine, which it turned out better than I thought. I really had to consider whether to put the OU symbol on there or not, If I would have had a KSU powercat font handy that might have been different. On one of the ends is a connector plate with several lockable cable connectors. I am a big fan of these, don't know why, maybe cause growing up we used duct tape and had to always be careful not to jiggle them. I remember my father stepping on an open wire and jumping two feet after saying that he was surprised we hadn't shocked ourselves yet.
Since there will be a lot of heat generated in this little J box there are two fans nicely located in the two top concealable drawers. I am having trouble with the H bridges we aquired from the wheel chairs, they are so overprote

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