Here are some pictures of what we did last friday on the trail. I pulled out the skidster (bobcat) to make a trail through the woods. That thing is amazing! The bike will be about a third of the trail that I made with the skidster. If you will notice I made some tight corners with banks to bank off of for a faster more invigorating ride. I was a little nervous around the creek edges so I stayed away from those for the most part. To get the skidster to this section I had to go through the creek, well getting there was no problem but coming back was. We got it stuck, The artic cat 500 4 wheeler was no help getting it out either so we had to get the JD tractor. The more equipment my father in law purchases the more opportunities I have to get kicked out of the family! My father in law was home by then so he helped us, all he could say when he saw the skidster was, oh my, oh man. The tractor had no problem pulling it out, but did have a problem the next day getting the tractor stuck on a different hill (that was Mr Rocco not me that did it). We had a good time working on the trail, I need to ride it to see how long it is, I am guessing a mile and a half so far but it is all pretty technical with few boring spots. We could add several miles of cow trails through the pastures if we need to. We also still have a lot still to do on this side of the RR tracks. I think the other side will provide several more miles at least with some good downhills and sweet jumps. I am hoping for at least a 5 mile trail without crossing itself. We talked to the Roccos about having a bike race and then a grass fed beef feed to raise money for several charities and advertise the grass fed beef items the roccos produce. They liked the idea and wanted to talk about it more. They like that we are working on the land, maybe not the getting equipment stuck part though. I must say that the skidster makes for good trail makin! I think that Justin and I will go to Angie's Uncle Jim's house to pick up poles and wood for bridges next time, especially if it is cold outside. We thought about a suspension bridge as well.... nice.
So if the race idea goes, then we are talking probably next summer having the first small race and going from there. This summer we would probably have several riders come out and critique the trail and then eat beef, and then in late summer have those same riders come with their families to do the same thing and we would have more things for the kids to do. Mr Rocco liked the idea of having a guy dressed up in a sumo outfit trying to tackle riders. Maybe I could get my brother in law to do that? By the way here is a video of Justin trying to get the skidster out of the creek.
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