Monday, January 22, 2007

Riddle me this Batman!

Anyone got any ideas? Mom read this to dad. The Jeep didn't start twice last week, the battery apparently being depleted. The incidents were 2 days apart with the car running fine in between. The alternator charged the battery both times without a problem and I had all the components of the electrical start system checked out (battery, Alt, and starter, and had it checked to see if there was a drain). everything was fine. I even checked out to see if there was a drain and the only thing I found was a dome light on (Zeke!!) but the car has gone overnight with a dome light on without a problem before ... several times (kids!!). The only thing that I can think of is that the battery is getting older (3 years) and since it is cold outside it cannot perform like it used to but it still is good enough to check out well on the machine. So I got a new battery and we haven't had a problem since Friday with it.
We had a lot of rain this weekend and a little snow but nothing to be worried about. Around here if they hear that a storm is coming it is like the end of the world, my dentist canceled on me cause a storm was coming. In Kansas they would have fined me for not showing up! Looks like I have to go back to the endodontist (like a neuro surgeon in the dentists world) cause my tooth that got a root canal and a cap is now hurting and my dentist thinks that it is cracked. She said that my gums look "angry". if it is cracked then I will have to have it pulled, which is hard to stomach seeing how I spent so much money on it to begin with. The endodontist set me up for a free "consultation" because it hasn't been very long since they did the root canal. I have noticed that they use consultation instead of appointment when it's their fault but they don't want to admit it. I also have to wait a month.... with angry gums. I am on antibiotics now to sooth the abscess. I offered the opinion to my dentist that it could be a popcorn kernel shell lodged in my gums making it a periodontal abscess. She concurred that might be the diagnosis but was afraid that it was a fractured root. I don't know why I come up with my own diagnosis and then think that the doctor is full of it when their opinion is different than mine. Maybe it's my upbringing I don't know. I should trust them since they know more than I do but it is my body, seems like that should count for some voice in the diagnosis. I almost got in an argument with the sinus guy a couple years ago when he told me that my pain was not due to clogged sinus's (it was due to yet a different tooth needing a root canal). I was sure that it was sinus pressure pushing down on my teeth since all of them hurt. Maybe it is the engineer in me that has to come up with solutions, maybe I should have studied more medical stuff.
I just overheard a young punk in the hall way talking about his surly singlespeed bicycle, yet another elitist looking down at those people with gears. He also offered up that steel is the only way to go on bike frames, that is just silly. I didn't get there in time to call him an amish puritan but I will be on the lookout for him, also we are always looking for new riders to go with us. I bid on a Bell Faction helmet the other day, I enjoy using Angie's ebay account for such things as bike helmets, it makes her profile look more rounded. Well I had better get to work.


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