Here are the Flippo Boys haning out, Judah is sick now with some sort of respitory thing. He has been to the doc and is on some meds that make him hyper. Zeke is feeling better but still coughs some.
We had our first lesson with mrs Wang. Her and her daughter came over the other night. Angie teaches the daughter english and mrs wang trys to teach Zeke. I looked up the Chinese word for patience and it is nai-xin. This lady is nai-xin! Zeke was not the star pupil, I think he likes to try to teach her words that really aren't words. She repeated words in Chinese until Zeke would say them. She repeated the word for hat "maozi" until even Zeke's stuffed animals could say it. At one point Zeke says to mommy "I am done with this" "I don't want to play with Mrs Wang anymore" it is kind of fun for me, in a sadistic way, to see someone push Zeke to the edge like he does us. So I guess this is not so much a language lesson as it is therapy for me. Well I think the Chinese will set in eventually with him, if nothing else it is a good way to start a relationship with this Chinese family. Ai yi , our favorite Chinese grandma, is coming back next month. Angie is looking forward to seeing her. Ai yi really pushes Angie as well to learn Chinese, that is not so much therapy for me but entertainment.
Dan, I have finally arrived into the hi-speed family. Comcast is on my computer and I am blazing fast. I have just spent a glorious hour reading up on your blog for the last 7 months. Your writing skills and random thoughts are getting better over time. It has been nice up here the last two days. I sold my Saturn back in June and finally bought another one today. I don't trust salespeople either but at least it made the hour trip home. I like space stuff too so I bought another Saturn car. I can only put some of my family in the vehicle so if I want to go somewhere without them all I say I am taking the car. I will post more. Send my your cell number so I can call and talk. Scott
Just checking to see whether the lessons are helping...
When do we get to see the pic of your Halloween costume? As for my girls - one wanted to be a cat. The other was a penguin. Not that there was any kind of celebrating here. They were dressing up for some kind of waiguoren harvest party.
Gotta make this quick - we gotta go watch Amazing Race Asia on what I am sure is illegal internet TV...
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