Bad to the bone

Here is Zeke on his new hog. He got this for his birthday from two of his uncles. Thank you all for the gifts and parties, we all enjoyed them very much. Zeke is riding in the Loyd Nobel parking lot next to where we live. He has a hard time getting the peddels going when they are straight up and down. I think the bike is a little heavy for him, I may have to modify it a little. Myabe I can machine a new frame on the CNC machine after hours. Halloween went very well, I don't have pictures of the boys so I will wait for all the halloween stories to be told when I get them. We have a new church starting on Sunday nights now. We are so very excited to have that going. I think that we will be in the minority as far as kids go but I think that will change over the next few years. We had the Wangs over for dinner that other night and Zeke started his Chinese lessons. Mrs Wang is really good with him and very patient. She doesn't speak English that well so she will learn from Zeke also, as long as he doesn't make up words. Zeke did real well at dinner at making people feel at home, he asked several questions (we have been working on that) and went to get some paper and crayons for the little Chinese girl to draw with, which was a big hit. They will come over on Monday night while I watch Judah and have a new lesson. We wills see how that goes. It is cold here now and I have been riding to work without a seat again to get a little more exercise, people say "hey you don't have a seat" like I didn't know and if they didn't say something I would sit down on the frame, which would hurt. I have been going riding most every weekend and have learned some new moves. I am currently working on the Brent Coppock manuever, where if I am in a turn that I can't finish (either going to fast or I am oriented wrong on the bike) then I bunny hop up and twist in the air so that when I land I am going the right direction, but I also have to tilt into the turn so that I won't flop over when I land like a spatula hitting a meat patty. it is all an intuitive and not something I have time to think about. I saw Brent do it once and thought someday I will be like Brent.
here are two quotes that Zeke said during dinner with the wangs
"you should go" (said to the Wangs) "after dinner you will go"
"mommy is this (apple pie) good for my poopies?"
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