This big icy moon is Europa, supposedly there is an ocean under the ice which might hold life. The life part is not all that exciting for me but building a probe to melt through it would be. I havae to do an experiment proving that I can steer a falling ice probe around obstacles. So I need a big vat of ice.....and a small nuclear reactor for my probe.
My sister is commenting sarcastic things about me not writing anything about our baby that is about to be born...not sure what to say sis. He is not born yet, Angie is tired of being pregnant. they want to induce a week early,, I guess this is common now? anyway we don't like that cause we hear it makes for harder natural births. Knowing when the kid was coming and being able to plan for Zeke would be very nice. Angie had the last kid so fast that there wasn't much time for an epi. We hope it goes like that again, but not too fast we want to be able to get to the hospital in time, although having the kid in the Jeep would make a good blog story and save us a lot of money!
On the lifetime burrito front, we went back to Moes for lunch yesterday and I read the fine print. They will supply you with 2680 vouchers based on a normal person eating one a week for 55 years and adding some to that. This to me wasn't really a lifetime supply, kind of a cop out I think. if I had free burritos I would most certainly eat more than one a week, and who knows I may want some after I am 90, they may have to blend it up for me but I still should be entitled to it! But there is the other side, with vouchers I can sell them to my friends for a considerable profit while I am here in Norman!
my thoughts on the week-early induction: I think it is for the convenience of the doctors, more than anything. Induction is more controlled, less of a suprise for everybody. Don't give in to the childbirth fashion of the day, you guys know what you need to do, thats my thoughts
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