Doc said that I can use modular framing for my testing bed. This is good news because this stuff is like tinker toys for the man. Really fun stuff, it is expensive. They sell it by the inch (.35) but worth it! but that means that I have to a total redesign and redraw, which is not bad. That will give me a chance to fix several things that I was too lazy to fix before. The motors for this bad boy are DC high wattage motors. I need at least 0-57 rpm with a torque of 51 in-pounds. Enjoying this Aaron? Well they draw 7.1 amps a piece at either 12 or 24 V. What that means...Aaron. is that I also need to buy a new power supply, a big chuck powerhouse and I will have to lay some pretty big gauge wire. I feel like I have prepared for this all my life. Several pieces of the frame will have to be milled out by the NC machine (numerically controlled) I am learing how to do that but need more practice. NC is where the milling machine goes off of the CAD file so there is a very close match to your model. Pretty soon there will be no milling machines it will all be rapid prototype machines that make parts layer by layer. just a bit of prophecy there for free.
Dr Wang is coming today to practice his English, I meet with him every thursday. He goes to the Chinese service at my church and is here from China on a post doctorate program. Post doctorate is for people that still don't want to get a job even after their doctorate degree is done. I am thinking post doctorate in Hawaii or Australia. Doc Miller was talking about sending us to Japan for a semester, I guess that would be ok. don't tell my mother in law.
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