Here is us going down into the Wash in the desert. They don't call them dry creek beds, they call them washes. This is the wash that my young friend achieved 47 MPH on. You can see that these Durangos have a huge dashboard, I didn't like them so much, but they were 4 wheel drive and could fit a rover in the back just fine. The one that this picture was taken from I guess got its rear bumper ripped off by a small revene. I am glad it wasn't my fault. The team is back and had a succesful 5K run. Doc is typing up his report now and everything will get submitted by August. I have been told that we will know if we won the next phase o fthe project or not by April. I guess if that happens then we get more money to rip bumpers off of rented durangos. The next test is in the arroyo desert a few miles north of this one, same verse I guess. I will have to buy some hiking boots to replace the ones that got their sould melted off that last trip. The third phase though is in Iceland! now that would be cool...cold. Where you going on your business trip....iceland!
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