Hello All
Long time no blog, I have been taking a little break after building my first solar panel. It shipped off last tuesday to California for its desert test. I didn't have to go this time but I may have to next time.
This picture is Zeke playing in a mud puddle, this was a parent sanctioned event so he wasn't being bad, I just didn't think he would sit in the mud. We had a good time the 2 days I was at home, we went to the lake yesterday and played in the sand.
Last Tuesday I had to go to the endodontist to get my third root canal. I am becoming quite an expert on tooth work. This one was not as painful as #2 back in Wichita. I told the doc that I don't react to the local very well, he said very well and proceeded to load me up with a lot of it. I was numb for quite a while. In front of the dental chair was a huge picture window overlooking a small flower garden and tree, the effect was quite relaxing as I set there wondering how much this would cost. The motif of the office was cowboys and indians, the wall paper was indian drawings of horses, it was all tastefully done but not what I would have chosen. I set there in the chair wondering how indians had there root canals done, probably with a flint arrow head I thought. the indian dentist would be called something like "makes warriors scream like little squaws". Every time I shell out money for teeth I think how nice it would be to have dentures! During these proceedures my hands take the brunt of my pain, I learned that holding my left thumb inside my right hand allows for the best tension relief. It is kind of like sucking my thumb except without using my mouth. That night the dentist called me and asked how I was doing, Angie talked to him but we both agreed that was nice of him. I guess that much money gets you a call now a days. I also got a free sunday at Brahms, which I thought rather odd since that promotes tooth decay, I brought this up to the receptionist in my best clenched numb mouth dialect. She responded by saying "they have sugar free ones too". Odd. I got home still talking funny and my 2 and a half year old started making fun of me by talking through his clenched teeth "hello daddy". No respect for the pain. I hope I am alive when he needs a root canal, I will remember his joke.
Well I had better get to work.
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