Monday, April 03, 2006

Back side of my thirties

Yep it was my birthday last Friday, Thanks to all who remembered even though I don't know when anybodys BD is except mine, Angie, and Zeke's. Part of my self centeredness I suppose. Well 35 hits me with a real bad back ache and eyebrows that are starting to loose control of hair length. Right now I have 3 rogue hairs in my eyebrows, another 5 years and I will be like Einstein in a way i never really wanted. I guess it is the way of the professor. Yesterday at church I was standing next to 69 year old Mr Yokel, a lady came up and said that we look alot alike. I laughed at first but then the ramifications set in, I look like a 69 year old! Don't these people have feelings! What a thing to say! Sure I could go around making comparisons of people and things (or older people) standing next to them but I don't. And then Mrs Yokel points out that our physiques are similar, at this point my shoulders hunch and I feel like kicking them in the shins and then going to sooth my back with some bengay!
Education is the best provision for the journey to old age.
Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)
Zeke "I smell something...... I smell feet" I was not in the room
Zeke after almost falling "I keep my underwear dry!"
Well have a great week and remember to think through what you say, it might become a topic for a blog someday.


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