Tired of their Gimmick!

My second SC tooth brush just went, so I took matters into my highly technical fiscally responsible brain. I did surgery on the little device and added two new ni cad batteries on the outside. I like to call this "artificial battery enhancement" or in slang "A battery job". The reasons are more than cosmetic in this case, although I am thinking of putting more batteries on there so that I can brush for a month without charging, although I might have to use two hands when using it. I have to admit I haven't charged it yet or tried it, nor has Angie seen it. Her objections won't stand up to the 80$ price tag of a new one, but I have to ready myself for her cosmetic caveats and paper bullets of the brain.
More good news is that Aunt Silvi has found yet another roomba for us, this makes 3 so far. I only have two batteries though, but soon I will have a whole fleet of them much like the scouring bubbles! We named this one Dirty Harry to go with the other one named Dirty Harriet. I may attach magic markers on them and the boys and I can play "don't marked on by the robot bad guys".
I am learning how to program serial communication, which means I can have my computer talk to a circuit and have it do stuff, like reprogram my roombas! I am not there yet but soon.
I will also be sending out resumes soon, if you get one go ahead and hire me or pass it onto someone that can.
Politically I have been forming views and keeping up, this is a first for me:
If you are a liberal and get mad easily, don't read this.
McCain-don't like him, (ok so liberal wont get mad here.)
Palin-Love her, excited that she is coming into the picture. Wish she was the president. This whole lack of experience is a bit baffling to me, Wasn't Clinton a gov?, bush, carter, reagan? did they have foreign experience? does Obama? She has more executive experience and energy experience than any of them, as well as a higher security clearance for being the governor of Alaska (sit in on early warning briefings). She doesn't have Washington experience, this is also a plus to me. I am not happy with our washington crowd.
Obama-He is slick, I don't like the socialist views nor that he could very easily take us there with a super majority. He is untouchable, Ayers, Acorn, Wright, and this new character that was the voice of the PLO still can't bring him down. Maybe Joe the plumber can?
Joe the Plumber-who cares that he has paid his child support? he asked a good question. Now he might have a recording contract. what a country. Quite the opportunist, but that is not why he asked the question.
Biden-I kind of like him, not as a president but as a guy that places his foot in his mouth often.
Credit Crisis-Community Restoration (?) act in the 70's and then with amendments in 94 to give the government power to make banks make bad loans(which Acorn was involved in). As far as blame, who knows. every president since Carter, every congress and senate since then as well, but bush is not the only one. The economy is really helping Obama, but the redistribution thing might make things more interesting.
Hollywood-they have really come out to play with this election, but there are a few conservatives that I didn't know about that are hitting it hard. The lady from everyone loves raymond, Robert Davi (profiler), I think gary sinease, and there was some others also that I can't remember.
At least that is my take on things, and it might change, or probably will.