Well Yesterday was Zeke's BD and it was fun. He got some of those magnetic bulding things, I really hope Judah doesn't find them tasty. Also a huge styrofoam airplane that he said was boring when we took it outside. I am thinking that he was worried that it would fly off. Anyway it was fun, we watched a movie on the wall last night and went out for slushies. Angie made him a really cool little Jeep cake. On Tuesday we went out to a place that had a huge jungle gym and played on it till Judah was laying down in it trying to go to sleep. We are sick of candy and junk food, ready to get on with normal life, although yesterday was fun.
For some reason the blog site is not uploading pictures right now, sorry.
Midlife Sooner
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Cold Rainy and KU is winning the big 12 north

It is monday, I am back at the office after a chaotic but fulfilling weekend with my family. We went garage saleing on Saturday, G.S. is different for me with a family, usually I drive and sit with kids while Angie checks out the boring sales (clothes etc). We did manage to pick up another small bike for the boys, this one is a lot lighter than the one he has we got it for 3$......nice. We took it and the trailer to the lake to ride. The trailer hitch didn't work real well, Judah screamed most of the time. My tire went flat, but other than that it was a beautiful day, my beautiful wife was there with me and we went out to eat at this really cool rib joint out in the country. We gave Zeke his first full can of 7 up, we won't be doing that again anytime soon. The booth we were sitting in was not enough to hold him in! Good eating though, so any faily of friends that come to visit we have a new joint to take you to.
I went riding on Sunday while te boy slept. The trails were a little better than last time but still not like they were before the rains. I did manage to crash and get a big goose egg on my knee. and about 3/4 ways through my back tire went flat so I had to push/jog with it to get back in time for church. still a good workout. Need to buy a pump.
There is about a 5-10% chance we might try the X prize and send a rover to the moon. if that does happen I hope to graduate first and use that as a post doctorate topic. Maybe then I could get hired later on. I only mention it cause it is a cool thought, my prof has bee trying to get money for the last 10 years to do it, the google X prize has kind of gotten the alumni excited a little more, but there are still some miracles that need to happen.
the machine is going well, finally. I am programming Labview for PID control and data collection. I think this week I should be moving all this over to George street lab and putting the whole machine together. I will have to buy some dirt soon to test on and some rocks! red ones.
Thursday, October 18, 2007

I am having trouble doing this blog thing anymore, I am getting wrapped up in engineering and raising boys. I apologize for the no news.
Pictures are of Zeke's 4th BD party, he got an ice cream cone with candles in it. He got a marble set for his BD which he has not stopped playing with since. One of the pics is a marble machine that we made. I fashioned a top of a 2 liter bottle for a funnel to incorporate into his designs. He also got one of those books that tells you how things are made, He loves those. that has been our book of choice ever since.
We had a good time in Lindsborg, Angie's new york family came to visit and we made fun of their accent all weekend. Zeke does a good new yorker. I spent some time in the car grading student programs, I sat at the red coach inn to partake in their wi-fi (the coffee shop closed.)
There is talk here of pursueing the X prize and sending one of Matt's rovers to the moon, crazy talk. The best thing would be for me to graduate then do that as a post doc. Who knows what will happen. I would need to figure out how to contribute to the affair, maybe I could do paint scheme? .....flames.
Well gotta get.
oh yeah the bird in the pictures was let in by mat and it flew around the lab for a while.