carpe eatem

I tested the x axis of my force torque sensor yesterday and it looks pretty good although it is not as sensative as I would have wanted.
The graph above shows that it is pretty linear but for every quarter pound I will get one step of resolution, which is not good. I think that I over built it. I went up to 20 lbs and was still only reading .3 V on a 12 V scale. If you are wondering why I put a graph in my blog it is because I have no pictures to post.
I got permission to build another one so I will order parts for that. I am glad that I get to try again, I think that I could do a better job this time.
Judah got up at 4:45 and wouldn't go back to bed until 6:00 and then only for 45 minutes.
Angie "It just feels so good to have dusty (our roomba) going"
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