Riding with the ticks

Matt and I went riding on Sunday morning. It was kind of weedy and a lot of bugs. I had a tick on me and Matt had 3-4 of them, I said that he was a tick magnet! Man I thought that was so funny. Matt didn't, Angie gave me a obligatory I am your wife so I gotta laugh laugh. He came over afterwards and ate breakfast with us, he blew bubbles with Zeke and played with magnets under the table. We teased him about his lunch date the other day with "Anna", be sure to ask him about it those of you that know him.
The other pictures are at the wedding we went to on Saturday, the odd pictures are Zeke's, I let him take a few. There were more but he took them of people's wastes and legs?
there are 2 pictures of me and Angie in my new 80's mirrored highway patrol sunglasses. I needed something to go over my glasses and the gas station didn't have any of those old people glasses that wrap your whole head in UV protection.
Zeke is holding a huge cabbage in one picture, Aunt Van likes to grow unnaturally large produce. She once grew a tomato that she could barely hold it was so big.
Today I am starting chapter 4 in class, cross products and moments. Should be interesting. Class is going well so far, takes a lot of time though.
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