Not to scare any of you but I have done this before in high school, except mine was a blue tarp in the back of the truck and I drove it 4 miles to town with the water sloshing in the back... talk about a wild ride. I also did one in the back of a dump truck and filled it so full that the truck was groaning. After that I stuck with merely making a hot tub in the back of the dump truck using a barrel with fire in it! I really wish I had documentation of that!
Hello all, not much sleep going on in our house still. Judah is up most of the night still and so are we. We think it is the antibiotics that he is on that makes him crampy. So I might have to go take a nap on the couch today.
Yesterday the four of us went to sonic to celebrate Zeke making it all day with a dry pullup, Zeke rode his bike (about a mile round trip) he is getting so much better at it. He did take a digger right off the bat though, he was going down a hill and forgot about the brakes and went over the front, which in bike ter

ms is called "endo-ing" here is a picture of his bruise/wound. He is pretty proud of it and the hill he went down gets bigger every time he tells the story, he is proving to be a mountain biker at heart.
Matt and I went riding after dark last night after the boys were in bed. He got a new LED light for his bike and has never ridden at night before, so it was fun for me. I did run into a tree (as usual) but this time it was due to my brake cable being loose and my brakes not working, I need to get new cables and new shifters oh yeah and new skewers for that bike. my new camel back hydration system worked just grand (backpack with water in it and a hose to suck it out with) but my bike light only lasted about 45 minutes which was a bummer.

it is a lead acid battery so it is pretty big and heavy. I am thinking about switching it for some Ni-Cad batteries in the lab. Matt's light is supposed to go for 4 hours on full but it is not as bright as mine. he was a little disapointed and vowed to make a better one from parts in the lab.
I found a really cool Goodwill poster at the goodwill store, I asked Angie to ask if they were selling them (she forgot someh

ow). Maybe I will look online for one of these jems. The picture of the rolling pin thing is something that was in our hall and I thought that it would make a great trail roller for a new trail. plus it would be great exercise to drag this little darlin behind for a few laps. By the way Matt and I are planning on racing in the 12 miles of hell race on March 4th at Fort Sil, Kim will you be there to loan me some chain lube and a pump?
Dan, the roller thing in the photo is used for installing linoleum. It presses out the bubbles when you roll it over what you are installing. I switched to the new blogger and that was a mistake.
I personally remember being at the DUMP TRUCK HOT TUB party. This was probably around 1996. Those were the days. It was a wood burning trash can heater that warmed the water. I was afraid the water would get hotter and hotter and eventually cook me to death without my realizing the temperature was rising. This happened to a frog in a book one time. I remember it.
I did not get in the water! Many did. It may have been '95.
yes and I was also at the hot tub party as well. Great memories of your parties, dan. Dang it wish I would have taken pictures. I did not get in the tub either, I think that was the party in which I wore the stilts and tried to provide ancillary entertainment to the crowd.
Dan on the 12MOH website, it says that this year might be the last race. that is sad. I hope to make it, but I think this year my strategery will be to spend some quality time at the food stands, like you did back in '02
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