ice ice maybe

Here Zeke and I are taking a walk on the Flippo Farm, I have thought about making a trail here as well, it would not be race worthy but would provide some good exercise, especially for the boys when they get older. I may wait till they are a little older to help me with it. The Trail at the Rocco Ranch will take years before we are done with the possibilities so they will get in on that as well. I need a new helmet, the ones I have do not fit real well. I have been looking at a full face but I am worried that I will look... a little too wanna-be-ish to the other riders. They are already jealous of my Hawaiian jersey. I will probably get a BMX cap and then maybe a FF later on. I did buy a used handle bar assembly (shifters/ brakes/etc) off of ebay. My shifters on golden boy do not work in the cold for some reason. Speaking of cold it was another hairy ride this morning, I did slip and loose control but managed not to fall. Last night coming home I did 2 360's , each time I put my foot down so I didn't fall then either. Eerie feeling when you are spinning in circles on a bike. after I was stopped I just scooted back to where I was facing home and took off again. I often wonder if by riding on ice I am learning some hidden skill that will help me later on, much like Daniel did on Karate kid when he sanded my migachi's deck. Who knows, at least I am getting home on ice. I have switched to the 10 day weather focast, the 7 day was not hacking it. I am a man who hates cold weather and this time of year I am straining my neck looking forward to spring. We are doing trail maintenance on Friday the 26th of Jan and I think it is supposed to be about 50 degrees which is good. Even with a 10day outl

ook I am extrapolating (yes Gail that is a big word for me). I have a picture of one page of my problem statement for my research, I wanted to show how much my wonderful wife marked it up, she did say that my writing was getting better but from the marks it seems she was lieing.
She said that this statement makes my research sound valid, was it not to her before... good thing she is not on my committee.
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