Tuesday, December 19, 2006


another video, Zeke homeschooling video

Here is another video I made a while back.

silo video

Here is a video from utube of the silo party we had back in 2000. good times.

Zeke "Daddy why you say ahh haaa!"
Daddy "because I am a genius"
Zeke "and I am a preschooler"

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Here we are at the mall, Zeke is taking his first ride. He liked it, he smiled most of the time. Judah on the other hand didn't like not going and fill his pants for mommy to clean without wipes (we forgot them and had to use taco mayo napkins that were wet). We haave a hard time finding stuff for Zeke to do inside when it is cold. We go to the museum alot and we are thinking about signing Zeke up for Karate or some sort of gymnastics. He needs some big fat coach to yell at him while he runs laps...ah childhood memories. I finished my last class for the semester, actually it is my last required class. I may still take one next fall. I have a final to take tomorrow and one to give as well. Finals are something that prove "it is better to give than to take". Also I am meeting with some guy next week to discuss me doing some drawings for him for hire. He has some sort of exercise machine that he wants to mass produce but needs drawings for it. It is time to once again pull out those Cessna skills and do some paperwork!
I went riding twice this last weekend, thanks to my wonderful wife. I took a bad crash off of a plank bridge. I knew that I was going too fast and couldn't make the turn so I bunny hopped it and was trying desperately to clear the oncoming stump (which I am not sure I did or not, all kind of fuzzy). Well anyway I plowed the ground with my shoulder and Matt got a great view of it. We both agree that we need to install cameras for such times. I have some great ideas for the Rocco ranch trail ride that I am going to work on during Christmas. Well see you soon.

Zeke "mommy I am thirsty my belly says (low voice) 'I am thirsty'"

Zeke "smell this"(sticks out finger)
daddy "mm what is it?"
Zeke "ear (wax) and nose (booger) together)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Here is Zeke already working on his bike, we haven't had much weather to ride in lately. I have had two flats in the last three days. Same tire, I think I must have some sort of spur or thorn in there somewhere that flattened another tube. I grow weary of pneumatic tires, we sent a man to the moon for crying out loud can't we come up with something better! Anyway I have to take that tire off again and fix the tube. It has snowed here a lot so I have not gotten to trail ride since I went at night in Kansas on Thanksgiving.
Judah has had an ear infection and then had BM problems from the antibiotics, so the last week we have not slept in our bed for the full night. One of us has been in the chair with him, which is not bad unless he is squirming (BM coming) and then there is no sleep. Last night he slept for 2 hours by himself in his bed and then I slept with him in the chair for 4 hours and then Angie came and fed him and laid him down until about 7:30 when Zeke got up. every time I am up at some hour in the night I think that i should call the punks to see what they are up to since I know they are not asleep.
Our new church is going well, thanks for asking. we are gearing up for initiation of small groups soon. Angie and I are campaigning for segregated groups and not co-ed. We would like the chance to talk about our spouses to other people that will do the same, keeps our marriage healthy! Anyway, we are a minority in our church since we have kids. Zeke is more well known there than we are just cause he and another boy are the only small boys.
Here is a vision that I am trying to pass on to the punks here, Mountain bike paintball. They don't seem that interested, I think they are just scared. Me, I like the idea of chasing someone and shooting at them like I was in a WWII fighter plane. Although I already have a problem of running into trees, I am not sure that the distraction of shooting someone will help with that.

Here is the Christmas present I am working on for Zeke, it is a crusher (cherrios, kix, etc). you place the doomed item on the shoot (just right of my hand) and then flip the arming switch and push the button (both have corresponding lights) and the gears chop up the items. Yes we are poor enough for me to have to make presents but I think he will like this better than anything we could buy. the gears, I might add, are on a spring slip clutch so as to lessen the chance of him getting fingers caught. I might add a little tray underneath so that it can catch all the offending pieces.
Well I had better get to work. I have a flat to fix...again, and a math class to gear up for. See you later and keep yer stick on the ice.