
Here is The
Zeker at the park across the street from where we live. We have gone to a lot of parks since we got here. Zeke has a cold now and is getting snot over everything..lovely. I think we are going to start thinking about home schooling ideas to start on him soon.
School is going great, I finally got my computer back from
IT. Not a real customer oriented establishment I am afraid. They crashed my new computer and had to reformat and then didn't have a driver for the TV tuner (a little extra feature I am excited about) I made them give it to me at this point since I was afraid of what else they would do to it. So it looks like I am on my own as far as fixing the thing, well that maybe good for me. I spent some time today looking for a good
hitchikers guide to the gal

axy theme for it, I also need to hook the TV up to watch the history channel with and other educational channels. I also have found the perfect way to recline in my chair with my feet in a drawer and head on a rag on the blackboard ledge to take a
nap. I place a magazine on my lap just in case someone walks in.
Here is a picture of the old Jeep on blocks just to remind us where we came from. It is currently in the barn at the
Flippo lot. I miss that old thing!
We are planning on coming home the end of October for Angie's reunion at
Sterling college . Hope to see yall when we heonoutta here

Here is Angie Modeling for what will be our next car. We were at the Mustang Western Days in Mustang Oklahoma and they had a car show, some neat cars but this one I enjoyed the most!
We are doing well, one of the Chinese kids peed on our porch today and the other kid hit Zeke with a broom. They seam to work together just fine. Ai-Yi may go home near the furst of the year and Angie has voluteered to babysit for 2 weeks until the grandfather can come. Wonder what he will be like?
I am settling in my office just fine, thinking about installing a hammock for those crazy lazy days of Fall. I got my new computer today, which is exciting. I had to give it right back over to the IT guys to install all the really cool software that I have no idea how to use. If I can keep my office mate from using it then I will be happy!
We may have decided on a church! this is big news, it is a lot like the church we had in Wichita except over 100 years old which seams really wierd I know. We went and talked to the pastor on Monday and gave him the comfy chair inquisition on his doctorine. Angie has also called the nursery staff and grilled them as well, so if they let us back in then maybe we will go there. We went to a Sunday School Bar B Q at somebodies house with a pool. They had a dog that would jump in after a ball, Zeke has talked about that ever since.
I still haven't decided on a research topic, it has to be something nobody has done yet and that is hard with robotics. For at least a short time I have to be the expert on something.....maybe a robotic rover that knocks down silos?