Monday, June 04, 2007

History is so...... old

We went to the Yukon Chisolm Trail festival yesterday, it was a good time. The boys rode horses, miniature ones. Zeke and I rode a homemade train which was ok. We did get to talk to a civil war rein-actor about cannons and things, He and his "bride" let us take a picture. He is worried about people being less and less enthusiasm for history. Not a bad day. at least it wasn't raining.

today I start teaching my class, I went to see my room and it is really cool. it has the painted walls that I can dry erase mark on and a full electronics package. I was thinking about showing the silo video... just to let them know who they are dealing with.

Z "daddy you are the man!"

Z "Stinkin Pinnera"


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