Thursday, May 31, 2007


Here are some more Zeke Quotes

Z "I burped and it was a tasty burp" at the restaurant last night, we were eating ribs to celebrate my new paid tutoring position.

Z "calm down mommy" when she was laughing loudly about something we won't mention.

I am trying to stay with all the stuff that needs to get done. I have a lot of class work to do before monday.
if you didn't notice I put in a counter that keeps track of how many people read my blog, this is for my sake to see if anyone is reading this. More dealing with my needs for acceptance and approval I think. I still can't get back on Google ads to make money, man when they black list you you are done! no grace there.

I am trying my hand at FLASH to make visual aids for my class, I may from time to time try to show these to you, not sure if my blog will run them or not. this latest one deals with energy and has a safe falling onto a car which explodes, very graphic. All for education because I don't want to keep giving these kids fishes, I want to teach them how to throw safes.


At 8:23 AM, Blogger Closet Democrat said...

I love me some tasty burps too.


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